I am trying to plot data in a bar-chart. On the x-axis I want to display the answer category (1-9) and on the y-axis the amount of times it has been chosen. Not every category has been selected, which results in the following pivot table:
Column Labels
1 4 5 6 7 8 Grand Total
Count 2 12 90 48 56 8 216
When I plot this data, I get the following figure:
The problem is, the pivot table ignores the distance between two categories. In other words, the graph ignores the fact that there are supposed to be a 2, 3, and 9 (with count = 0) on the X-axis.
How can I get the pivot chart to add the missing categories, without sacrificing the versatility of the Pivot-chart and table?
Raw data
I simply organized the data in a column of a table. In that column (workload), a value can occurs once, multiple times, or not at all. I did find a non-pivot-table solution in which I simply used Countif.
Department Workload ... Col_n
2 5 ...
3 5
2 7
1 1
2 6
1 4
... ...