我已经在几个 Perl 脚本上卸载了一些维护任务。其中一个要求是并行下载几十个文件 (HTTP)。我在 CPAN 上寻找最简单的解决方案,并找到了这个名为IO::Lambda::HTTP的模块。

不幸的是,我完全没有函数式编程的经验(以及初学者级别的 Perl 经验),所以虽然我看到所有示例都按文档说明工作,但我无法真正修改其中任何一个以满足我的需要。


# $Id: parallel.pl,v 1.7 2008/05/06 20:41:33 dk Exp $
# This example fetches two pages in parallel, one with http/1.0 another with
# http/1.1 . The idea is to demonstrate three different ways of doing so, by
# using object API, and explicit and implicit loop unrolling

use lib qw(./lib);
use HTTP::Request;
use IO::Lambda qw(:lambda);
use IO::Lambda::HTTP qw(http_request);
use LWP::ConnCache;

my $a = HTTP::Request-> new(
  GET => "http://www.perl.com/",
$a-> protocol('HTTP/1.1');
$a-> headers-> header( Host => $a-> uri-> host);

my @chain = ( 
  HTTP::Request-> new(GET => "http://www.perl.com/"),

sub report
  my ( $result) = @_;
  if ( ref($result) and ref($result) eq 'HTTP::Response') {
    print "good:", length($result-> content), "\n";
  } else {
    print "bad:$result\n";
#   print $result-> content;

my $style;
#$style = 'object';
#$style = 'explicit';
$style = 'implicit';

# $IO::Lambda::DEBUG++; # uncomment this to see that it indeed goes parallel

if ( $style eq 'object') {
  ## object API, all references and bindings are explicit
  sub handle {
  my $master = IO::Lambda-> new;
  for ( @chain) {
    my $lambda = IO::Lambda::HTTP-> new( $_ );
    $master-> watch_lambda( $lambda, \&handle);
  run IO::Lambda;
} elsif ( $style eq 'explicit') {
  # Functional API, based on context() calls. context is
  # $obj and whatever arguments the current call needs, a RPN of sorts.
  # The context though is not stack in this analogy, because it stays
  # as is in the callback
  # Explicit loop unrolling - we know that we have exactly 2 steps
  # It's not practical in this case, but it is when a (network) protocol
  # relies on precise series of reads and writes
  this lambda {
    context $chain[0];
    http_request \&report;
    context $chain[1];
    http_request \&report;
  this-> wait;
} else {
  # implicit loop - we don't know how many states we need
  # also, use 'tail'
  this lambda {
    context map { IO::Lambda::HTTP-> new( $_, async_dns => 1 ) } @chain;
    tails { report $_ for @_ };
  this-> wait;

像宣传的那样工作,但我一生无法弄清楚如何修改“对象”或“隐式”示例以限制为 N 个并行实例,如下 IO::Lambda 的概要:

# http://search.cpan.org/~karasik/IO-Lambda/lib/IO/Lambda.pm
# crawl for all urls in parallel, but keep 10 parallel connections max
print par(10)-> wait(map { http($_) } @hosts);

有人可以向我展示一个示例,说明在给定上述约束的情况下(例如限制为 N 个实例)的 lambda 代码是什么样子的吗?



1 回答 1


对于此任务,除了 IO::Lambda 之外,还有其他不错的选择,例如AnyEvent::HTTP。请参阅this previous SO question

尽管我熟悉函数式编程,但上面的 IO::Lambda 示例代码对我来说似乎很难理解。

于 2010-12-07T09:53:23.073 回答