不代表所有源元素的列表。相反,它是单一来源。如果您检查 的类型sources
至于为什么返回什么并不重要:即使不使用其值,也会执行每一行。事实上,除非您使用输出,否则您甚至不必为它指定名称: only hasAttrValue "id" (isSuffixOf "-normals") <- sources
(removing normalSource <-
) 行的工作方式相同。所以如果你 return x
- 每个您要查找的单独元素一个 - 并分别检查每个单独的“id”属性。
data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a]
exampleTree :: Tree String
exampleTree = Tree "root" [Tree "childA" [], Tree "childB" []]
newtype ListArrow a b = ListArrow { runListArrow :: a -> [b] }
instance Category ListArrow where
id = ListArrow (\x -> [x])
(ListArrow g) . (ListArrow f) = ListArrow (\x -> concatMap g (f x))
instance Arrow ListArrow where
arr f = ListArrow (\x -> [f x])
first (ListArrow f) = ListArrow (\(a, b) -> [ (a', b) | a' <- f a ])
getChildren :: ListArrow (Tree a) (Tree a)
getChildren = ListArrow gc where
gc (Tree _ children) = children
hasContent :: Eq a => a -> ListArrow (Tree a) (Tree a)
hasContent content = ListArrow hc where
hc cur@(Tree c _) = if content == c then [cur] else []
getContent :: ListArrow (Tree a) a
getContent = ListArrow gc where
gc (Tree c _) = [c]
-- this has the same problem as the code in the question
findBothChildrenBad :: ListArrow (Tree String) (String, String)
findBothChildrenBad = proc root -> do
-- child is a (single) child of the root
child <- getChildren -< root
-- childA == child, and filter to only cases where its content is "childA"
childA <- hasContent "childA" -< child
-- childB == child, and filter to only cases where its content is "childB"
childB <- hasContent "childB" -< child
-- now the content has to be both "childA" and "childB" -- so we're stuck
childAContent <- getContent -< childA
childBContent <- getContent -< childB
returnA -< (childAContent, childBContent)
-- this is the fixed version
findBothChildren :: ListArrow (Tree String) (String, String)
findBothChildren = proc root -> do
-- childA is a (single) child of the root
childA <- getChildren -< root
-- filter to only cases where its content is "childA"
hasContent "childA" -< childA
-- childB is a (potentially different) child of the root
childB <- getChildren -< root
-- filter to only cases where its content is "childB"
hasContent "childB" -< childB
-- we're not stuck here
childAContent <- getContent -< childA
childBContent <- getContent -< childB
returnA -< (childAContent, childBContent)