我正在使用 pagedown 作为我的编辑器,现在我提交后得到的数据库如下:
This is what i love about
`[A-Z]+` - One or more capitalcase ASCII caracters.
`[^A-Z]*` - We are using negated chracter class here by using the ^ sign, basically we are saying, look for any character besides the one in the [] brackets, * means zero or more times.
| - Or
`[^A-Z]+` - Look for any character besides the one in the [] brakets, another negated character class. + means one or more times.
`g` - We add the global flag, so we get all possible matches and don't just stop at one match.
我的预期输出是包含在单独段落中的每一行。此外,当我在 pagedowneditor 中输入并查看编辑器下方的实时更新时: