我在 config.yml 和 .md 文件位于站点/内容中创建了一个新集合(“页面”)。该站点的前端在 localhost 和 Netlify 上看起来不错。在 localhost:3000/admin 还显示我的“页面”,我可以编辑它们,但是当我转到 mysite.netlify.com/admin/#collections/pages 时,我只看到“正在加载条目”。
collections: # A list of collections the CMS should be able to edit
- name: "pages"
label: "Site pages"
folder: "site/content"
create: true #
- {label: Title, name: title, widget: string}
- {label: Description, name: description, widget: string}
- {label: Intro, name: intro, widget: object, fields: [{label: Heading, name: heading, widget: string}, {label: Description, name: description, widget: markdown}, {label: Subheading, name: subheading, widget: string}, {label: Primary call-to-action url, name: url, widget: string}, {label: Primary call to action, name: cta, widget: string}, {label: Secondary call-to-action url, name: url2, widget: string}, {label: Secondary call-to-action, name: cta2, widget: string}, {label: Blurbs, name: blurbs, widget: list, fields: [{label: Head, name: head, widget: string}, {label: Text, name: text, widget: markdown}]}]}
- {label: Outro, name: outro, widget: object, fields: [{label: Heading, name: heading, widget: string}, {label: Blurbs, name: blurbs, widget: list, fields: [{label: Image, name: image, widget: image}, {label: Text, name: text, widget: markdown}]}]}