我正在寻找一种在事件处理程序方法中获取 ExtJS 类样式组件的属性反向引用的好方法。背景:我正在尝试编写自己的 Shopware 5.2 购物世界小部件。基本上,它是一个高级滑块,每个幻灯片图像上都有单独的文本。为此,我已经定义了一个模型和存储,其中包含“真实”数据,稍后将存储在数据库中。因此,这不是任何值得保存的数据,而是更多用于引用网格中正确项目的运行时数据。
这里的问题与经典的桌面应用程序问题相同:在事件处理程序中获取同一类内对象数据的引用,例如单击处理程序以保存/修改显示的数据。基本上,事件处理程序(例如单击处理程序)独立于类的其余部分,并且它们通常也被声明为类 C 编程语言中的静态方法。
因此,我正在寻找一种在 JavaScript 中执行此操作的好方法(好方法 = 没有代码气味)。由于我是 ExtJS 的新手,所以我可能对它一无所知。要找到 Shopware 中使用的过时 4.1 版本的解决方案和文档部分也不容易。我的意思不是在 sencha,也不是在 Shopware devdocs。
由于这更像是一个 ExtJS 问题,而不是 Shopware 可以解决的问题,因此我希望在这里获得更广泛的开发人员受众。
- 非常糟糕:定义一个全局变量,它位于窗口范围内
- 也许还不错,但也不是最佳解决方案:为此创建一个 ExtJS 命名空间并将所需的变量存储在其中。这实际上是由我完成的并且有效(请参阅下面的代码示例)。
Ext.define('Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.Unsplash', {
extend: 'Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.Base',
alias: 'widget.emotion-components-unsplash',
declareNsGlobals: function () {
Unsplash.componentView.imgPos = -1;
* Initialize the component.
* @public
* @return void
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
// me.setDefaultValues();
// me.refreshHiddenValue();
* Creates the fieldset which holds the banner administration. The method
* also creates the banner store and registers the drag and drop plugin
* for the grid.
* @public
* @return [object] Ext.form.FieldSet
createBannerFieldset: function () {
var me = this;
me.slideEditorItem = me.getSlideEditorItem();
me.mediaSelection = Ext.create('Shopware.form.field.MediaSelection', {
fieldLabel: me.snippets.select_banner,
labelWidth: 100,
albumId: -3,
listeners: {
scope: me,
selectMedia: me.onAddBannerToGrid
me.bannerStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
fields: [ 'position', 'path', 'link', 'altText', 'title', 'mediaId', 'slideText' ]
me.ddGridPlugin = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop');
me.cellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2
me.bannerGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
columns: me.createColumns(),
autoScroll: true,
store: me.bannerStore,
height: 200,
plugins: [ me.cellEditing ],
viewConfig: {
plugins: [ me.ddGridPlugin ],
listeners: {
scope: me,
drop: me.onRepositionBanner
listeners: {
scope: me,
edit: function () {
return me.bannerFieldset = Ext.create('Ext.form.FieldSet', {
title: me.snippets.banner_administration,
layout: 'anchor',
'defaults': { anchor: '100%' },
items: [ me.slideEditorItem, me.mediaSelection, me.bannerGrid ]
* Factory method for the TinyMCE form element creation.
* @returns {Shopware.form.field.TinyMCE}
getSlideEditorItem: function () {
return Ext.create('Shopware.form.field.TinyMCE', {
name: 'slide_editor',
id: 'slide_editor',
translatable: false,
fieldLabel: 'Slide Text',
labelWidth: 100
* Helper method which creates the column model
* for the banner administration grid panel.
* @public
* @return [array] computed columns
createColumns: function () {
var me = this, snippets = me.snippets;
return [ {
header: '⚌',
width: 24,
hideable: false,
renderer: me.renderSorthandleColumn
}, {
dataIndex: 'path',
header: snippets.path,
flex: 1
}, {
dataIndex: 'link',
header: snippets.link,
flex: 1,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: true
}, {
dataIndex: 'altText',
header: snippets.altText,
flex: 1,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: true
}, {
dataIndex: 'title',
header: snippets.title,
flex: 1,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: true
}, {
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
header: snippets.actions,
width: 60,
items: [ {
iconCls: 'sprite-minus-circle',
action: 'delete-banner',
scope: me,
handler: me.onDeleteBanner
}, {
iconCls: 'sprite-pencil',
action: 'editSlideTextWhatever',
tooltip: "load slide text in editor and update it",
scope: me,
handler: me.onEditSlideText
} ]
} ];
* Refactor sthe mapping field in the global record
* which contains all banner in the grid.
* Adds all banners to the banner administration grid
* when the user opens the component.
* @return void
initGridData: function () {
var me = this,
elementStore = me.getSettings('record').get('data'), bannerSlider;
// TODO: check if this below works?!
Ext.each(elementStore, function (element) {
if (element.key === 'banner_slider') {
bannerSlider = element;
return false;
if (bannerSlider && bannerSlider.value) {
Ext.each(bannerSlider.value, function (item) {
me.bannerStore.add(Ext.create('Shopware.apps.Emotion.model.Unsplash', item));
* Event listener method which will be triggered when one (or more)
* banner are added to the banner slider.
* Creates new models based on the selected banners and
* assigns them to the banner store.
* @public
* @event selectMedia
* @param [object] field - Shopware.MediaManager.MediaSelection
* @param [array] records - array of the selected media
onAddBannerToGrid: function (field, records) {
var me = this, store = me.bannerStore;
Ext.each(records, function (record) {
var count = store.getCount();
var model = Ext.create('Shopware.apps.Emotion.model.Unsplash', {
position: count,
path: record.get('path'),
mediaId: record.get('id'),
link: record.get('link'),
altText: record.get('altText'),
title: record.get('title'),
slideText: record.get('slideText')
// We need a defer due to early firing of the event
Ext.defer(function () {
me.mediaSelection.inputEl.dom.value = '';
}, 10);
* Event listener method which will be triggered when the user
* deletes a banner from banner administration grid panel.
* Removes the banner from the banner store.
* @event click#actioncolumn
* @param [object] grid - Ext.grid.Panel
* @param [integer] rowIndex - Index of the clicked row
* @param [integer] colIndex - Index of the clicked column
* @param [object] item - DOM node of the clicked row
* @param [object] eOpts - additional event parameters
* @param [object] record - Associated model of the clicked row
onDeleteBanner: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex, item, eOpts, record) {
var me = this;
var store = grid.getStore();
var globImgPos = Unsplash.componentView.imgPos;
console.log("Unsplash.componentView.imgPos", Unsplash.componentView.imgPos);
console.log("record position:", record.get("position"));
// console.log("eOpts scope imgPos", eOpts.scope);
if (globImgPos > -1 && record.get("position") === globImgPos) {
Ext.getCmp("slide_editor").setValue("", false);
* Event listener method which will be triggered when the user
* whishes to edit a banner slide text from banner administration grid panel.
* Removes the banner from the banner store.
* @event click#actioncolumn
* @param [object] grid - Ext.grid.Panel
* @param [integer] rowIndex - Index of the clicked row
* @param [integer] colIndex - Index of the clicked column
* @param [object] item - DOM node of the clicked row
* @param [object] eOpts - additional event parameters
* @param [object] record - Associated model of the clicked row
onEditSlideText: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex, item, eOpts, record) {
var me = this;
// TODO: defer load and growl message on after done
var htmlEditor = Ext.getCmp('slide_editor');
Unsplash.componentView.imgPos = record.get("position");
htmlEditor.setValue(record.get("slideText") + " behind that " + record.get("position"), false);
* Event listener method which will be fired when the user
* repositions a banner through drag and drop.
* Sets the new position of the banner in the banner store
* and saves the data to an hidden field.
* @public
* @event drop
* @return void
onRepositionBanner: function () {
var me = this;
var i = 0;
globImgPos = Unsplash.componentView.imgPos;
me.bannerStore.each(function (item) {
// also update the imgPos to detect item deletion also right after repositioning, if there is one already defined
if (globImgPos > -1 && globImgPos === item.get("position")) {
Unsplash.componentView.imgPos = i;
item.set('position', i);
* Refreshes the mapping field in the model
* which contains all banners in the grid.
* @public
* @return void
refreshHiddenValue: function () {
var me = this,
store = me.bannerStore,
cache = [];
store.each(function (item) {
var record = me.getSettings('record');
record.set('mapping', cache);
* Renderer for sorthandle-column
* @param [string] value
renderSorthandleColumn: function () {
return '<div style="cursor: move;">⚌</div>';
- 此代码最初是为 Shopware 编码书中的另一个小部件制作的。我以此为起点,因为我只能让这个小部件工作。所以我删除了所有不需要的代码并用我自己的代码替换它。由于它仍在开发中,可能会有一些来自原始小部件的反向引用或名称。一是品牌名称“Unsplash”。正如我所说,我无法更改它以产生一个工作小部件。当然,这将在开发周期结束之前更改。因此,没有真正的最终用户会在我的小部件中看到这些品牌名称。只是现在(我和我本地安装的开发环境)。
- 我还从 Shopware“横幅滑块”小部件中复制了很多功能逻辑,因为它的功能与我需要做的几乎相同。因此,您可能会发现与原始小部件的一些相似之处。
- 除了我的第 2 点之外,还缩短了工作代码示例。如果您对那些可能未显示的小功能感兴趣,您可以在这里找到:https://github.com/shopware/shopware/blob/5.2/themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/emotion/view/components/banner_slider。 js
- 我最初用作起始基础的小部件可以在这里找到:https ://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/gxmedia.galileo-press.de/supplements/4185/4243_Zusatzmaterialien.zip
此小部件(在第 7 节下)的各自作者是 Daniel Nögel(书籍作者)、Shopware AG(书籍的协助)和许多其他人。实际上没有为这些代码示例提供明确的许可。由于这是一本如何做某事的书,我假设我有权在我的小部件中使用此代码。