我想在 R 中运行多项式 logit 并使用了两个库nnetmlogit,它们产生不同的结果并报告不同类型的统计信息。我的问题是:

  1. nnet报告的系数和标准误与报告的系数和标准误差之间的差异的根源是什么mlogit

  2. 我想将我的结果报告到Latex使用stargazer. 这样做时,存在一个有问题的权衡:

    • 如果我使用mlogit从那时起的结果,我会得到我想要的统计信息,例如伪 R 平方,但是,输出是长格式的(参见下面的示例)。

    • 如果我使用结果,nnet则格式符合预期,但它会报告我不感兴趣的统计数据,例如 AIC,但不包括,例如,伪 R 平方。




df = data.frame(c(0,1,1,2,0,1,0), c(1,6,7,4,2,2,1), c(683,276,756,487,776,100,982))
colnames(df) <- c('y', 'col1', 'col2')
mydata = df

mldata <- mlogit.data(mydata, choice="y", shape="wide")
mlogit.model1 <- mlogit(y ~ 1| col1+col2, data=mldata)

编译时的 tex 输出是我认为不受欢迎的“长格式”:



mlogit.model2 = multinom(y ~ 1 + col1+col2, data=mydata)

给出 tex 输出:




2 回答 2


To my knowledge, there are three R packages that allow the estimation of the multinomial logistic regression model: mlogit, nnet and globaltest (from Bioconductor). I do not consider here the mnlogit package, a faster and more efficient implementation of mlogit.
All the above packages use different algorithms that, for small samples, give different results. These differencies vanishes for moderate sample sizes (try with n <- 100).
Consider the following data generating process taken from the James Keirstead's blog:

n <- 40
df1 <- data.frame(x1=runif(n,0,100), x2=runif(n,0,100))
df1 <- transform(df1, y=1+ifelse(100 - x1 - x2 + rnorm(n,sd=10) < 0, 0,
      ifelse(100 - 2*x2 + rnorm(n,sd=10) < 0, 1, 2)))
'data.frame':   40 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ x1: num  33.48 90.91 41.15 4.38 76.35 ...
 $ x2: num  68.6 42.6 49.9 36.1 49.6 ...
 $ y : num  1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 ...
 1  2  3 
19  8 13 

The model parameters estimated by the three packages are respectively:

df2 <- mlogit.data(df1, choice="y", shape="wide")
mlogit.mod <- mlogit(y ~ 1 | x1+x2, data=df2)
(mlogit.cf <- coef(mlogit.mod))

2:(intercept) 3:(intercept)          2:x1          3:x1          2:x2          3:x2 
   42.7874653    80.9453734    -0.5158189    -0.6412020    -0.3972774    -1.0666809 
nnet.mod <- multinom(y ~ x1 + x2, df1)
(nnet.cf <- coef(nnet.mod))

  (Intercept)         x1         x2
2    41.51697 -0.5005992 -0.3854199
3    77.57715 -0.6144179 -1.0213375
glbtest.mod <- globaltest::mlogit(y ~ x1+x2, data=df1)
(cf <- glbtest.mod@coefficients)

                      1          2          3
(Intercept) -41.2442934  1.5431814 39.7011119
x1            0.3856738 -0.1301452 -0.2555285
x2            0.4879862  0.0907088 -0.5786950

The mlogit command of globaltest fits the model without using a reference outcome category, hence the usual parameters can be calculated as follows:

(glbtest.cf <- rbind(cf[,2]-cf[,1],cf[,3]-cf[,1]))
     (Intercept)         x1         x2
[1,]    42.78747 -0.5158190 -0.3972774
[2,]    80.94541 -0.6412023 -1.0666813

Concerning the estimation of the parameters in the three packages, the method used in mlogit::mlogit is explained in detail here.
In nnet::multinom the model is a neural network with no hidden layers, no bias nodes and a softmax output layer; in our case there are 3 input units and 3 output units:

a 3-0-3 network with 12 weights
options were - skip-layer connections  softmax modelling 
 b->o1 i1->o1 i2->o1 i3->o1 
  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00 
 b->o2 i1->o2 i2->o2 i3->o2 
  0.00  41.52  -0.50  -0.39 
 b->o3 i1->o3 i2->o3 i3->o3 
  0.00  77.58  -0.61  -1.02

Maximum conditional likelihood is the method used in multinom for model fitting.
The parameters of multinomial logit models are estimated in globaltest::mlogit using maximum likelihood and working with an equivalent log-linear model and the Poisson likelihood. The method is described here.

For models estimated by multinom the McFadden's pseudo R-squared can be easily calculated as follows:

nnet.mod.loglik <- nnet:::logLik.multinom(nnet.mod)
nnet.mod0 <- multinom(y ~ 1, df1)
nnet.mod0.loglik <- nnet:::logLik.multinom(nnet.mod0)
(nnet.mod.mfr2 <- as.numeric(1 - nnet.mod.loglik/nnet.mod0.loglik))
[1] 0.8483931

At this point, using stargazer, I generate a report for the model estimated by mlogit::mlogit which is as similar as possible to the report of multinom.
The basic idea is to substitute the estimated coefficients and probabilities in the object created by multinom with the corresponding estimates of mlogit.

# Substitution of coefficients
nnet.mod2 <- nnet.mod
cf <- matrix(nnet.mod2$wts, nrow=4)
cf[2:nrow(cf), 2:ncol(cf)] <- t(matrix(mlogit.cf,nrow=2))
# Substitution of probabilities
nnet.mod2$wts <- c(cf)
nnet.mod2$fitted.values <- mlogit.mod$probabilities

Here is the result:

stargazer(nnet.mod2, type="text")

                      Dependent variable:     
                        2              3      
                       (1)            (2)     
x1                   -0.516**      -0.641**   
                     (0.212)        (0.305)   

x2                   -0.397**      -1.067**   
                     (0.176)        (0.519)   

Constant             42.787**      80.945**   
                     (18.282)      (38.161)   

Akaike Inf. Crit.     24.623        24.623    
Note:              *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Now I am working on the last issue: how to visualize loglik, pseudo R2 and other information in the above stargazer output.

于 2017-04-29T16:10:17.827 回答

如果您使用的是 stargazer,您可以使用它omit来删除不需要的行或引用。这是一个简单的示例,希望它能为您指明正确的方向。

注意。我的假设是你正在使用 Rstudio 和 rmarkdown 和 knitr。

```{r, echo=FALSE}

df = data.frame(c(0,1,1,2,0,1,0), c(1,6,7,4,2,2,1), c(683,276,756,487,776,100,982))
colnames(df) <- c('y', 'col1', 'col2')
mydata = df

mldata <- mlogit.data(mydata, choice = "y", shape="wide")
mlogit.model1 <- mlogit(y ~ 1| col1+col2, data=mldata)
mlogit.col1 <- mlogit(y ~ 1 | col1, data = mldata)
mlogit.col2 <- mlogit(y ~ 1 | col2, data = mldata)



```{r echo = FALSE, message = TRUE, error = TRUE, warning = FALSE, results = 'asis'}
stargazer(mlogit.model1, type = "html")
          type = "html",




请注意,第二张图片省略了 1:col1、2:col2、1:col2 和 2:col2


于 2017-04-29T02:06:31.213 回答