为装饰角色传递 a 时,委托将连接到QMovie
每次有新帧可用时发出项目的信号,但是 1) 这会导致许多不必要的开销,因为数据并没有真正改变;2)在模型级别处理电影似乎并不干净:显示层(QTableView
有谁知道在 Qt 视图中显示动画的干净(并且最好是有效)方式?
// Class that paints movie frames every time they change, using the painter
// and style options provided
class MoviePainter : public QObject
public: // member functions
MoviePainter( QMovie * movie,
QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option );
public slots:
void paint( ) const;
private: // member variables
QMovie * movie_;
QPainter * painter_;
QStyleOptionViewItem option_;
MoviePainter::MoviePainter( QMovie * movie,
QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option )
: movie_( movie ), painter_( painter ), option_( option )
connect( movie, SIGNAL( frameChanged( int ) ),
this, SLOT( paint( ) ) );
void MoviePainter::paint( ) const
const QPixmap & pixmap = movie_->currentPixmap();
painter_->drawPixmap( option_.rect, pixmap );
//Custom delegate for handling animated decorations.
class MovieDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
public: // member functions
MovieDelegate( QObject * parent = 0 );
~MovieDelegate( );
void paint( QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
const QModelIndex & index ) const;
private: // member functions
QMovie * qVariantToPointerToQMovie( const QVariant & variant ) const;
private: // member variables
mutable std::map< QModelIndex, detail::MoviePainter * > map_;
MovieDelegate::MovieDelegate( QObject * parent )
: QStyledItemDelegate( parent )
MovieDelegate::~MovieDelegate( )
typedef std::map< QModelIndex, detail::MoviePainter * > mapType;
mapType::iterator it = map_.begin();
const mapType::iterator end = map_.end();
for ( ; it != end ; ++it )
delete it->second;
void MovieDelegate::paint( QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
const QModelIndex & index ) const
QStyledItemDelegate::paint( painter, option, index );
const QVariant & data = index.data( Qt::DecorationRole );
QMovie * movie = qVariantToPointerToQMovie( data );
// Search index in map
typedef std::map< QModelIndex, detail::MoviePainter * > mapType;
mapType::iterator it = map_.find( index );
// if the variant is not a movie
if ( ! movie )
// remove index from the map (if needed)
if ( it != map_.end() )
delete it->second;
map_.erase( it );
// create new painter for the given index (if needed)
if ( it == map_.end() )
map_.insert( mapType::value_type(
index, new detail::MoviePainter( movie, painter, option ) ) );
QMovie * MovieDelegate::qVariantToPointerToQMovie( const QVariant & variant ) const
if ( ! variant.canConvert< QMovie * >() ) return NULL;
return variant.value< QMovie * >();