I have a simple question, excuse my ignorance. I read in the stocktwits documentation that: 'All requests must be SSL' for things such as

curl https://api.stocktwits.com/api/2/streams/home.json?access_token=

Now if I want to post a message, and I have an access token saved, can I use the following to post from a website that doesn't have a ssl certificate

curl -X POST https://api.stocktwits.com/api/2/messages/create.json?access_token= -d 'body=Creating a new message'

does that count as being over SSL, since the curl destination is to https? or does my website also need an SSL certificate as well, and the redirect url needs to be https?

I guess I am a little confused as to what over SSL means. Does it mean both the requester and the destination have to both have SSL certificates, or does it just mean the destination needs to be HTTPS



1 回答 1



“通过 SSL”意味着必须保护机器之间的连接。将 cURL 与 https 协议请求一起使用意味着请求将受到保护。您可以从根本无法公开寻址的机器上运行它(“在防火墙后面”);对您机器的请求在这里无关紧要。

于 2017-04-23T01:23:54.427 回答