Im using the async function inside the object to send a response in express.js

Controller Code :

module.exports = {

    async signUpEmail(req, res) {

         * @description Parameters from body
         * @param {string} firstName - First Name
         * @inner

        const firstName = req.body.firstName;

        res.send({ success: name });
        throw new Error(); // purposely Done


Since the signUpEmail method is async in my case and it will get rejected with whatever my async method throw's here it's comes Error.(purposely put there)

so getting this logged in the console.

(node:13537) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error
(node:13537) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

So i'm supposed to handle it from the routes from where i'm calling it.

Router Code

    const routes = require('express').Router();
const SignUpController = require('../controllers/signUpController')

// /signup
routes.post('/', SignUpController.signUpEmail);

module.exports = routes;

some what like this SignUpController.signUpEmail().then(…); But since i'm not calling function in the routes i'm just passing. How this can be done effectively ?

PS:Please Don't suggest too complicated solutions. I'm beginner with JS and is learning through.

I Didn't use chainable route handlers because i want to create modular, mountable route handler.

Official Doc Example


1 回答 1



let wrapper = fn => (...args) => fn(...args).catch(args[2]);

// /signup
routes.post('/', wrapper(SignUpController.signUpEmail));

使用此方法,您可以使用顶级错误捕获器,并且不需要在路由中使用内部 try catch 块,除非您需要根据上下文使用它们。


// last middleware in chain

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
    // handle your errors


旁白:异步等待模式非常适合编写易于人类以同步方式阅读的异步代码。请记住,一旦你去异步,你应该保持异步!强烈建议使用诸如 Bluebird 之类的 Promisification 库并调用.promisifyAllnodeback

编辑:Source - Express 中的异步错误处理与 Promises、Generators 和 ES7

于 2017-04-22T20:30:48.977 回答