我有一个形状为 (766L, 256L, 256L) 的 3D 数组,我需要为数组中的 766 个切片中的每一个创建一个文件,这是我的代码:
import numpy as np
import pyfits as fit
data = fit.open('lsb_0299170159_0x53c_sci.fit')
scidata=data[0].data #Here is the data
print scidata #This is a part of the data to show the structure
>>>[[[ 1.93521921e-02 5.53070288e-03 5.54129062e-03 ..., 7.59920711e-
7.43154995e-03 9.53296479e-03]
[ 5.75147476e-03 6.56543719e-03 6.83003664e-03 ..., 4.90503712e-03
5.36678405e-03 3.56429932e-03]
[ 4.48714197e-03 6.52663829e-03 6.36298675e-03 ..., 5.20661334e-03
4.07732278e-03 8.60160124e-03]
[ 3.72386798e-02 3.89487632e-02 3.83604541e-02 ..., 6.86576292e-02
7.70815611e-02 8.00874010e-02]
[ 3.48356217e-02 3.67552601e-02 3.45812403e-02 ..., 7.06715509e-02
6.99861422e-02 7.58737400e-02]
[ 3.13520059e-02 3.35403681e-02 3.80725004e-02 ..., nan
nan nan]]
[[ 1.93521921e-02 1.42930017e-03 1.38372893e-03 ..., 1.31980027e-03
1.37834414e-03 1.39542914e-03]
[ 1.73271971e-03 1.41039363e-03 1.52022589e-03 ..., 1.29821908e-03
1.20712281e-03 1.24027242e-03]
[ 1.73819589e-03 1.48109102e-03 1.49079110e-03 ..., 1.19586918e-03
1.21934328e-03 1.35999266e-03]
[ 3.46756959e-03 3.67738772e-03 3.22443643e-03 ..., 4.02061298e-04
6.46648754e-04 7.07142055e-04]
[ 3.69005208e-03 3.11211054e-03 3.23838764e-03 ..., 5.41916583e-04
4.33047127e-04 5.89787844e-04]
[ 3.40519636e-03 3.49198561e-03 3.19557916e-03 ..., nan
nan nan]]
for i in range(scidata.shape[0]):
with open('leisa1{}.csv'.format(i), "wb") as outfile:
np.savetxt(outfile,i,fmt='%.5f',delimiter=' ',footer='====')
ncol = X.shape[1]
IndexError: tuple index out of range