我会将公历日期转换为回历(伊斯兰)日期。在网上搜索后,我找到了转换它的源代码。我将代码从 Java 和 PHP 转换为 C 基础。


我需要您的帮助来修复工具或可以正常工作的可用代码!顺便说一句,我找到了另一个基于 C++ 的源代码(http://emr.cs.iit.edu/~reingold/calendar.C)。因为我不知道 C++ 是否有人可以将其转换为 C Base 或 Objective C 将是完美的(仍然不确定这段代码是否能正常工作)。


void gregorian_to_hijri(int* h_y, int* h_m, int* h_d, int  g_y, int  g_m, int  g_d)
    int year, month, day;

    int zyr;
    int zd;
    int zm;
    int zy;

    float zjd;
    int zl;
    int zn;
    int zj;

    year = g_y;
    month = g_m;
    day = g_d;

    zyr = year;
    zd = day;
    zm = month;
    zy = zyr;

    if((zy > 1582) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm > 10)) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm == 10) && (zd > 14)))
        zjd = ((1461 * (zy + 4800 + ((zm - 14) / 12))) / 4)
            + ((367 * (zm - 2 - 12 * (((zm - 14) / 12)))) / 12)
            - ((3 * (((zy + 4900 + ((zm - 14) / 12)) / 100))) / 4) + zd - 32075;
        zjd = 367 * zy - ((7 * (zy + 5001 + ((zm - 9) / 7))) / 4)
            + ((275 * zm) / 9) + zd + 1729777;

    zl = zjd - 1948440 + 10632;
    zn = ((zl - 1) / 10631);
    zl = zl - 10631 * zn + 354;
    zj = (((10985 - zl) / 5316)) * ((int)((50 * zl) / 17719))
        + ((zl / 5670)) * ((int)((43 * zl) / 15238));

    zl = zl - (((30 - zj) / 15)) * (((17719 * zj) / 50))
        - ((zj / 16)) * (((15238 * zj) / 43)) + 29;

    zm = ((24 * zl) / 709);
    zd = zl - ((709 * zm) / 24);
    zy = 30 * zn + zj - 30;

    *h_y = zy;
    *h_m = zm;
    *h_d = zd;

3 回答 3


假设这是针对 Mac (Cocoa) 或 iOS (Cocoa Touch) 应用程序,因为这是您最常看到 Objective C 的地方,那么您可以执行以下操作:

// Create a Gregorian Calendar
NSCalendar *gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];

// Set up components of a Gregorian date
NSDateComponents *gregorianComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];

gregorianComponents.day = 4;
gregorianComponents.month = 12;
gregorianComponents.year = 2010;

// Create the date
NSDate *date = [gregorianCalendar dateFromComponents:gregorianComponents];

[gregorianComponents release];
[gregorianCalendar release];

// Then create an Islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCivilCalendar];

// And grab those date components for the same date
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:(NSDayCalendarUnit | 
                                                               NSMonthCalendarUnit |

NSLog(@"[In Hijri calendar ->] Day: %ld, Month: %ld, Year:%ld", 
          [hijriComponents day],
          [hijriComponents month],
          [hijriComponents year]);

[hijriCalendar release];


// Create an Islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCalendar];

// And grab the date components for the current date
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:(NSDayCalendarUnit | 
                                                               NSMonthCalendarUnit |
                                                     fromDate:[NSDate date]];

[hijriCalendar release];
于 2010-12-04T16:55:53.487 回答

看看这个主题:如何在 java 脚本中将 hijari 日期转换为公历日期?

该问题提到了 JavaScript,但最重要的答案似乎与各种语言的实现有链接。

于 2010-12-04T15:47:20.343 回答

您应该能够在 Objective-C 中使用NSCalendar.

于 2010-12-04T16:00:43.810 回答