目前无法删除 Gogs 中的问题:能够删除问题 #2050



1 回答 1


作为一种解决方法,我使用以下 SQL 删除了一个问题(例如问题 #19)和 SQLite 上的所有相关数据。(Gogs 版本:

-- Delete issue-user records releated with issue #19
DELETE FROM issue_user WHERE issue_id IN (SELECT id FROM issue WHERE [index] = 19);

-- Decrease number of issues value of repository on which issue #19 has been created
UPDATE repository SET num_issues = num_issues - 1 WHERE id IN (SELECT repo_id FROM issue WHERE [index] = 19);

-- Delete action records added while issue #19 has been created
-- op_type 6 is ACTION_CREATE_ISSUE: https://github.com/gogits/gogs/blob/master/models/action.go
DELETE FROM action WHERE (op_type = 6) AND (repo_id IN (SELECT repo_id FROM issue WHERE [index] = 19)) AND (content LIKE '19|%');

-- At last, delete issue #19
DELETE FROM issue WHERE [index] = 19;
于 2017-04-21T12:04:43.157 回答