dom4j(一个非常好的 Java XML 库)有一个非常有用的调用。在其 XPathNavigator 对象的等效项上,您可以请求一个唯一的 Xpath 语句,该语句将为您提供该特定节点。如何使用 .NET XML 库获得此信息?


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注意:这要求在 XPathNavigator 对象下有一个 XmlDocument。您可以有一个不包装 XmlDocument 的 XPathNavigator 对象,对于这些情况,这将不起作用。

要调用它,请传入 XPathNavigator 对象当前所在的 XmlNode。它包含在 XPathNavigator.UnderlyingObject 中。

此外,如果您明确设置任何命名空间,则需要传入一个字典,其中键是命名空间 uri,值是前缀。底层 XmlDocument 将使用原始 XML 中定义的命名空间,而不是加载后分配给它的命名空间(不知道为什么)。如果您没有明确设置任何命名空间,则可以传递 null。

完整代码位于XML Get Unique XPath的 zip 中

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml; 

/// <summary> 

/// For an XmlNode in an XmlDocument, can determine the XPath 
///to return that specific node. Can also then determine the non-specific 

/// XPath to a subsequent child node (the XPath that will return that node AND ALSO any peer nodes of the same name(s)). 

/// </summary> 

public class NodeLocator 


    private NodeLocator next; 

    private readonly XmlNode node; 

    private readonly Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMap; 

    private NodeLocator(Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMap, XmlNode node) 


        this.node = node; 

        this.namespaceMap = namespaceMap ?? new Dictionary<string, string>(); 


    /// <summary> 

    /// Get the unique XPath for the passed in node. 

    /// </summary> 

    /// <param name="namespaceMap">If namespace prefixes are different from the raw XmlDocument, this dictionaru is key=uri, value=prefix.</param> 

    /// <param name="node">The node to get the unique XPath to.</param> 

    /// <returns>The unique XPath to node.</returns> 

    public static string GetUniqueLocation(Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMap, XmlNode node) 


        NodeLocator loc = new NodeLocator(namespaceMap, node); 

        while (node.ParentNode != null) 


            node = node.ParentNode; 

            if (node is XmlDocument) 


            NodeLocator parentloc = new NodeLocator(namespaceMap, node); 

            parentloc.next = loc; 

            loc = parentloc; 


        return loc.Xpath(true); 


    /// <summary> 

    /// Get the unique XPath for the passed in node. It uses the unique XPath from the root to the parent and then non-unique XPath from the parent to the node. 

    /// </summary> 

    /// <param name="namespaceMap">If namespace prefixes are different from the raw XmlDocument, this dictionaru is key=uri, value=prefix.</param> 

    /// <param name="parent">The node to get the unique XPath to.</param> 

    /// <param name="node">The node to get the NON-unique XPath to.</param> 

    /// <returns>The unique XPath to node.</returns> 

    public static string GetLocation(Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMap, XmlNode parent, XmlNode node) 


        NodeLocator loc = new NodeLocator(namespaceMap, node); 

        while ((node.ParentNode != null) && (node.ParentNode != parent)) 


            node = node.ParentNode; 

            if (node is XmlDocument) 


            NodeLocator parentloc = new NodeLocator(namespaceMap, node); 

            parentloc.next = loc; 

            loc = parentloc; 


        return loc.Xpath(false); 


    private string Xpath(bool unique) 


        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

        NodeLocator loc = this; 



            if (loc.node.Name.StartsWith("#")) 


                if (loc.node.Name == "#document") 






                if (loc.node is XmlAttribute) 



                if (unique) 







            loc = loc.next; 

        } while (loc != null); 

        // no leading / for non-unique 

        if ((!unique) && (sb.Length > 0)) 

            sb.Remove(0, 1); 

        return sb.ToString(); 


    private string FullName(XmlNode _node) 


        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_node.NamespaceURI) || (!namespaceMap.ContainsKey(_node.NamespaceURI))) 

            return _node.Name; 

        return namespaceMap[_node.NamespaceURI] + ':' + _node.LocalName; 


    private int IndexInParent 




            int indexInParent = 1; 

            XmlNode parent = node.ParentNode; 

            string nodeName = FullName(node); 

            if (parent != null) 


                foreach (XmlNode child in parent.ChildNodes) 


                    if (child == node) 


                    if (FullName(child) == nodeName) 






            return indexInParent; 



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