有没有一种已知的方法可以在 Maven 发布期间提交对附加文件的更改,并在必要时将该文件添加到版本控制中?
我们有一个在构建过程中可能会更改的资源文件,我们希望在 Maven 发布期间提交对该文件的任何更改,以便最准确的版本反映在我们的标签中。
我们可以通过配置 maven-scm-plugin 来检查对我们文件的更改,并添加scm:checkin
maven-release-plugin 中来获得大部分方法,如下所示:
<message>[maven-scm-plugin] Committing resource.file from latest release</message>
<preparationGoals>clean verify scm:checkin</preparationGoals>
[INFO] [ERROR] Provider message:
[INFO] [ERROR] The svn command failed.
[INFO] [ERROR] Command output:
[INFO] [ERROR] svn: E200009: Commit failed (details follow):
[INFO] svn: E200009: '/acme/builder/workspace/_experiment-commit-on-release/resource.file' is not under version control
to 来解决这种情况,但是当我们的资源文件添加到版本控制时preparationGoals
[INFO] [ERROR] Provider message:
[INFO] [ERROR] The svn command failed.
[INFO] [ERROR] Command output:
[INFO] [ERROR] svn: warning: W150002: '/acme/builder/workspace/_experiment-commit-on-release/resource.file' is already under version control
[INFO] svn: E200009: Could not add all targets because some targets are already versioned
[INFO] svn: E200009: Illegal target for the requested operation
我确信我可以让 Maven 调用一些外部脚本来为我们处理这个问题,但如果可能的话,我宁愿将这个逻辑保留在 Maven 本身中。