I have a <template is="dom-if" if=...
that I want to use with a logical condition.
Any binding I try appears to be truthy:
<link href="https://polygit.org/components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<dom-module id="test-thing">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{title == 'foo'}}" restamp>
Title is <b>FOO</b>
<template is="dom-if" if="{{title}} == 'bar'" restamp>
Title is <b>BAR</b>
Actual: "{{title}}"
is: 'test-thing',
properties: {
title: {type: String,value:''}
Title: foo<br>
<test-thing title="foo"></test-thing>
Title: bar<br>
<test-thing title="bar"></test-thing>
Title: abc<br>
<test-thing title="abc"></test-thing>
What is the correct way to apply an if
condition to a dom-if