
我正在使用 JOptionPane 并且我有一个选项卡。在选项卡中,我使用 JScrollPane 创建一个包含大量文本字段、标签和组合框的 GUI。

GUI 的创建时间很好,但我正在处理 GUI 的缓慢响应,尤其是 JComboBox。当我选择任何项目时,显示它几乎需要一秒钟。


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1 回答 1


Without a working example there is not much specific advice we can give. Some general tactics:

  • Do some profiling to determine what part(s) of the program are preforming the slowest
  • Look at memory usage and make sure you aren't at the edge of your max.
  • Try cutting out parts of the application and see if it still has slow preformance
于 2010-12-03T12:47:15.030 回答