我对 Orchard 很陌生,正在构建一个新的内容部分以在我的网站上使用。我在构建它时遵循了本指南http://docs.orchardproject.net/en/latest/Documentation/Writing-a-content-part/ 。内容部分工作正常,但是当我尝试在查询中使用它时,我的新内容部分的成员不会显示在编辑查询/排序标准下。所以我的问题是:这是设计使然还是我遗漏了什么?我已经搜索了网络并调试了果园,但无法弄清楚是什么决定了查询排序标准定义中显示的字段/部分。
24 次
1 回答
You have to bind the properties of your content-part. You can do that inside the Queries Management.
There is a tab called "Bindings" which leads you to the "Manage Bindings" Section and there you can create a new Binding to your Content-Part and the Members / Properties of your part. After you set up the new Binding you can Select the Property inside your Query.
于 2017-04-25T18:30:26.803 回答