\usetikzlibrary{fit, calc}
\tikz[remember picture, baseline={(here.base)}] \node (here) {#1};%
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [text width=3cm, align=center, transform shape] (text) at (0, 0) {\footnotesize \myfont #2};
\draw [transform shape, thick] plot [smooth, tension=0.8] coordinates {
($(text.south) + (-10pt, -5pt) + (rand * 2pt, rand * 2pt)$)
($(text.south east) + (-5pt, 5pt)$)
($(text.north east) + (rand * 2pt - 5pt, rand * 2pt)$)
($(text.north west) + (rand * 2pt + 5pt, rand * 2pt)$)
($(text.south west) + (rand * 2pt + 5pt, rand * 2pt)$)
($(text.south) + (10pt, -3pt) + (rand * 2pt, rand * 2pt)$)
\draw[->, thick] ($(text.south west) - (-10pt, 5pt)$) to [bend left=20] ($(here.south east) - (3pt, 2pt)$);
The equation of a plane through $(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ \commentary{is:}{The tangent plane: $\nabla f(\mathbf{x})\cdot (\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_0)=0$.}
The vector $(a,b,c)$ is normal to the plane.
(1)如何将箭头的头部放在等式(例如显示问题中的+号)而不是文本中的单词(而不是“is :”在这个例子中)?
(2) 如何将文本气泡向上或向下移动 1 厘米?