Inside the call-back associated with a matplotlib.widgets.Slider
instance, I want to modify the Slider valmin
, valmax
and val
attributes, and then re-draw the Slider
. When I try to re-draw it, nothing happens.
Before the call-back completes, I call plt.draw()
and, while the rest of the plot is correctly updated, the Slider
looks the same as before. I also tried calling draw()
on the Axes
of the Slider
, and again no visible change.
How can I force a re-draw of the Slider
instance after changing its attributes?
Here a small program that demonstrates the issue (with a crude dialog). The wanted behavior is that by clicking on a different value of the radio button, the slider changes range of values, current value and label. What happens instead is that when clicking on "Gradient" the slider stops responding (cannot be dragged anymore), and when clicking on "Gradient" or "Channel" the slider is not updated, in spite of a call to plt.draw()
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, RadioButtons
# Set the grid
grid = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1, 2])
# Plot the sliders
axes_slider = plt.subplot(grid[0, 0])
slider = Slider(axes_slider, 'Channel', valmin=0, valmax=255, valinit=128)
# Plot the radio buttons
axes_button = plt.subplot(grid[1, 0])
button = RadioButtons(axes_button, ('Gradient', 'Channel'), active=1)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=.2, right=.9)
def update(_):
take_gradient = True if button.value_selected == 'Gradient' else False
if take_gradient:
slider.valmin = -1
slider.valmax = 1
slider.val = 0
slider.label= 'Gradient'
slider.valinit = 0
slider.valmin = 0
slider.valmax = 255
slider.val = 128
slider.label = 'Channel'
slider.valinit = 128
# Register call-backs with widgets