我在 JavaScript 中有以下 AudioContext() 声音对象。
它的体积是 100%。我想以 10% 的音量播放(其中音量 = 0.1)。
我怎样才能将它的体积减少到 10%?
const aCtx = new AudioContext();
let source = aCtx.createBufferSource();
let buf;
fetch('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/knpo4d2yooe2u4h/tank_driven.wav') // can be XHR as well
.then(resp => resp.arrayBuffer())
.then(buf => aCtx.decodeAudioData(buf)) // can be callback as well
.then(decoded => {
source.buffer = buf = decoded;
source.loop = true;
check.disabled = false;
check.onchange = e => {
if (check.checked) {
source.start(0); // start our bufferSource
} else {
source.stop(0); // this destroys the buffer source
source = aCtx.createBufferSource(); // so we need to create a new one
source.buffer = buf;
source.loop = true;
<label>Start Playing</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="check" disabled><br>
<br>Its volume is 100%. Please help me to reduce it to 10%.