
我的应用程序中有一个视频播放器。在名为 的集合视图中有一个视频列表FavoritesVC。如果您点击其中一个单元格,则会出现一个名为的新视图控制器PlayerVC来播放选定的视频。此外,您可以在这个新视图控制器中循环浏览集合视图中的所有视频,PlayerVC因为整个列表都已传递。



将 isDeleted 属性添加到 Video 类。当用户取消收藏视频时,从 FavoriteList.videos 中删除 Video 对象,将该属性设置为 true,但将其保留在 Realm 中。稍后(当应用程序退出或视图控制器被关闭时),您可以对所有 isDeleted 为 true 的对象进行一般查询,然后删除它们(这解决了无头问题)。

只有在FavoritesVC点击单元格时,我才能让它工作,我将领域转换List为 Swiftarray并使用它array来为PlayerVC. 如果我不这样做,我从 中删除一个对象,List然后我尝试在 中循环List,我得到一个Index out of range error....

我必须将其转换List为 Swiftarray并将其传递给PlayerVC工作但在使用 Realm 时似乎错误的解决方案。最佳做法是永远不要进行这种转换,但在这种情况下,我不知道如何简单地使用List


/// Model class that manages the ordering of `Video` objects.
final class FavoriteList: Object {
    // MARK: - Properties

    /// `objectId` is set to a static value so that only
    /// one `FavoriteList` object could be saved into Realm.
    dynamic var objectId = 0

    let videos = List<Video>()

    // MARK: - Realm Meta Information

    override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "objectId"

我将 List 转换为数组并像这样创建 PlayerVC:

class FavoritesViewController: UIViewController {

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

        if let playerVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "playerVC") as? PlayerViewController {

            // I convert the `List` to a Swift `array` here.
            playerVC.videos = Array(favoritesManager.favoriteList.videos)
            playerVC.currentVideoIndex = indexPath.row
            self.parent?.present(playerVC, animated: true, completion: nil)


class PlayerViewControllerr: UIViewController {
    // Array passed from `FavoritesVC`. I converted this from the `List`.
    var videos = [Video]()

    var currentVideoIndex: Int!
    var currentVideo: Video {
        return videos[currentVideoIndex]

    // HELP
    // Example of how to cycle through videos. This cause crash if I use the `List` instead of Swift `array`.
    func playNextVideo() {
        if (currentVideoIndex + 1) >= videos.count {
            currentVideoIndex = 0
        } else {
            currentVideoIndex = currentVideoIndex + 1

        videoPlaybackManager.video = currentVideo

    // This is where I add and remove videos from the `List`
    @IBAction func didToggleFavoriteButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
        favoritesManager.handleFavoriting(currentVideo, from: location)     { [weak self] error in
            if let error = error {
            self?.present(UIAlertController.handleErrorWithMessage(error.localizedDescription, error: error), animated: true, completion: nil)


class FavoritesManager {
    let favoriteList: FavoriteList

    init(favoriteList: FavoriteList) {
        self.favoriteList = favoriteList

    /// Adds or removes a `Video` from the `FavoriteList`.
    private func handleAddingAndRemovingVideoFromFavoriteList(_ video: Video) {
        if isFavorite(video) {
        } else {

    /// Adds a `Video` to the `FavoriteList`.
    /// Modifies `Video` `isDeleted` property to false so no garbage collection is needed.
    private func addVideoToFavoriteList(_ video: Video) {
        let realm = try! Realm()
        try! realm.write {
            video.isDeleted = false

    /// Removes a `Video` from the `FavoriteList`.
    /// Modifies `Video` `isDeleted` property to true so garbage collection is needed.
    /// Does not delete the `Video` from Realm or delete it's files.
    private func removeVideoFromFavoriteList(_ video: Video) {
        let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "objectId = %@", video.objectId)
        guard let index = favoriteList.videos.index(matching: predicate) else { return }

        let realm = try! Realm()
        try! realm.write {
            favoriteList.videos.remove(objectAtIndex: index)
            video.isDeleted = true



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为了获得最佳的用户体验,我假设取消收藏视频仍会让它在屏幕上播放,但是一旦视图控制器被关闭,或者下一个视频开始播放,视频就会从favoriteList对象中完全删除。这意味着即使它被从 中移除videosVideo对象也需要一直存在,直到用户明确地解除它。

我猜测转换videos为 Swift 数组有效的原因是因为即使从 中删除视频videos,它的引用仍保留在 Swift 数组中,因此currentVideoIndex值保持同步。




class FavoritesViewController: UIViewController {

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

        if let playerVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "playerVC") as? PlayerViewController {
            playerVC.favoritesManager = favoritesManager
            playerVC.currentVideo = favoritesManager.favoritesList.videos[indexPath.row]
            self.parent?.present(playerVC, animated: true, completion: nil)


class PlayerViewControllerr: UIViewController {
    var favoritesManager: FavoriteManager

    var currentVideo: Video? {
        didSet { setUpVideos() }
    var nextVideo: Video?
    var previousVideo: Video?

    func playNextVideo() {
        currentVideo = nextVideo
        videoPlaybackManager.video = currentVideo

    func playPreviousVideo() {
        currentVideo = previousVideo
        videoPlaybackManager.video = currentVideo

    func setUpVideos() {
        let videos = favoritesManager.favoritesList.videos
        let index = videos.index(of: currentVideo)

        var previousIndex = index - 1
        if previousIndex < 0 { previousIndex = videos.count - 1 }
        previousVideo = videos[previousIndex]

        var nextIndex = index + 1
        if nextIndex >= videos.count { nextIndex = 0 }
        nextVideo = videos[nextIndex]

这是在假设用户“可能”最终从 中删除currentVideovideos但用户不能删除nextVideopreviousVideo直到他们也删除的假设下起作用currentVideo。无论如何,既然视图控制器本身强烈引用这些视频对象,与索引分开,这应该有望使复制videos到 Swift 数组变得不必要。

于 2017-04-13T01:25:35.163 回答