实现复制和移动的方式必须像@Raxvan 指出的那样:
T& operator=(const T& other){
*this = T(other);
return *this;
已经是一个右值,并且在此处使用时,clang 会发出关于悲观化的警告std::move
当存在移动赋值运算符时,Copy & Swap 和 Copy & Move 之间的区别取决于用户是否使用了swap
实施复制和移动存在风险,如果移动赋值运算符不存在或签名错误,则复制赋值运算符将减少为无限递归。但是,至少 clang 对此发出警告,并且通过将这种恐惧传递-Werror=infinite-recursion
. 正如@Raxvan 指出的那样,您需要在复制赋值运算符的主体内进行复制构造。这被认为是劣等的,因为它可以防止编译器在使用右值调用运算符时执行复制省略。但是,应用复制省略的情况现在由移动分配处理,因此这一点没有实际意义。
T& operator=(const T& other){
using std::swap;
swap(*this, T(other));
return *this;
T& operator=(const T& other){
*this = T(other);
return *this;
template<typename T>
void swap(T& a, T& b){
T c(std::move(a));
a = std::move(b);
b = std::move(c);
这意味着 Copy & Swap 的异常安全性与 move 构造和 move assignment 中较弱的异常安全性相同。如果用户正在使用自定义交换,那么异常安全当然由交换函数决定。
我相信在这里查看性能有点没有意义,因为编译器优化可能在大多数情况下没有区别。但是无论如何我都会评论它,复制和交换执行复制构造,移动构造和两个移动分配,而复制和移动执行复制构造和仅一个移动分配。尽管我有点期待编译器在大多数情况下都能生成相同的机器代码,当然这取决于 T.
class T {
T() = default;
T(const std::string& n) : name(n) {}
T(const T& other) = default;
#if 0
// Normal Copy & Swap.
// Requires this to be Swappable and copy constructible.
// Strong exception safety if `std::is_nothrow_swappable_v<T> == true` or user provided
// swap has strong exception safety. Note that if `std::is_nothrow_move_assignable` and
// `std::is_nothrow_move_constructible` are both true, then `std::is_nothrow_swappable`
// is also true but it does not hold that if either of the above are true that T is not
// nothrow swappable as the user may have provided a specialized swap.
// Doesn't work in presence of a move assignment operator as T t1 = std::move(t2) becomes
// ambiguous.
T& operator=(T other) {
using std::swap;
swap(*this, other);
return *this;
#if 0
// Copy & Swap in presence of copy-assignment.
// Requries this to be Swappable and copy constructible.
// Same exception safety as the normal Copy & Swap.
// Usually considered inferor to normal Copy & Swap as the compiler now cannot perform
// copy elision when called with an rvalue. However in the presence of a move assignment
// this is moot as any rvalue will bind to the move-assignment instead.
T& operator=(const T& other) {
using std::swap;
swap(*this, T(other));
return *this;
#if 1
// Copy & Move
// Requires move-assignment to be implemented and this to be copy constructible.
// Exception safety, same as move assignment operator.
// If move assignment is not implemented, the assignment to this in the body
// will bind to this function and an infinite recursion will follow.
T& operator=(const T& other) {
// Clang emits the following if a user or default defined move operator is not present.
// > "warning: all paths through this function will call itself [-Winfinite-recursion]"
// I recommend "-Werror=infinite-recursion" or "-Werror" compiler flags to turn this into an
// error.
// This assert will not protect against missing move-assignment operator.
static_assert(std::is_move_assignable<T>::value, "Must be move assignable!");
// Note that the following will cause clang to emit:
// warning: moving a temporary object prevents copy elision [-Wpessimizing-move]
// *this = std::move(T{other});
// The move doesn't do anything anyway so write it like this;
*this = T(other);
return *this;
#if 1
T& operator=(T&& other) {
// This will cause infinite loop if user defined swap is not defined or findable by ADL
// as the templated std::swap will use move assignment.
// using std::swap;
// swap(*this, other);
name = std::move(other.name);
return *this;
std::string name;