
我正在按照代码从书中的书中学习 rmi 进行练习,但 rmic 不起作用

package chapter4.printers;

import chapter4.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

public class NullPrinter extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Printer {

    private PrintWriter log;
    public NullPrinter(OutputStream log) throws RemoteException {
        this.log = new PrintWriter(log);

    public boolean printerAvailable() throws RemoteException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return true;

    public boolean printDocument(DocumentDescription document) throws RemoteException, PrinterException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (null == log) {
            throw new NoLogException();

        if (null == document) {
            throw new NoDocumentException();
        log.println("Printed file");
        if(log.checkError()) {
            throw new CantWriteToLogException();
        return true;

    private class NoLogException extends PrinterException {
        public NoLogException() {
            super(0, "Null printer failure. No log to record" +
        " print request.");

    private class NoDocumentException extends PrinterException {
        public NoDocumentException() {
            super(0, "Null printer failure. No document receive" +
                    " as part of print request.");

    private class CantWriteToLogException extends PrinterException {
        public CantWriteToLogException() {
            super(0, "Null printer failure. Attempt to record " +
        "print request to log failed.");

package chapter4.applications;

import chapter4.printers.*;
import chapter4.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
public class SimpleServer implements NetworkConstants {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            File logFile = new File("serverLogFile");
            OutputStream outputStream = 
                    new FileOutputStream(logFile);
            Printer printer =
                    new NullPrinter(outputStream);

              Naming.rebind(DEFAULT_PRINTER_NAME, printer);
        catch (Exception e) {


警告:不推荐为 JRMP 生成和使用骨架和静态存根。骨架是不必要的,静态存根已被动态生成的存根取代。鼓励用户放弃使用 rmic 来生成骨架和静态存根。请参阅 java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject 的文档。

错误:找不到类 printers.NullPrinter。1 个错误

但 nullprinter.class 在文件夹打印机中



1 回答 1

package chapter4.printers;

类 printers.NullPrinter 未找到。1 个错误

但 nullprinter.class 在文件夹打印机中


rmic chapter4.printers.NullPrinter
于 2017-04-13T00:09:13.470 回答