在我的 BaseController.cs 中:
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
ViewData["CurrentUser"] = CurrentUser; // this is a public property in the BaseController
if (CurrentUser != null && CurrentUser.Account.Status != AccountStatus.Active)
// if the account is disabled and they are authenticated, we need to allow them
// to get to the account settings screen where they can re-activate, as well as the logoff
// action. Everything else should be disabled.
string[] actionWhiteList = new string[] {
Url.Action("Edit", "AccountSettings", new { id = CurrentUser.Account.Id, section = "billing" }),
Url.Action("Logoff", "Account")
var allowAccess = false;
foreach (string url in actionWhiteList)
// compare each of the whitelisted paths to the raw url from the Request context.
if (url == filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl)
allowAccess = true;
if (!allowAccess)
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("Edit", "AccountSettings", new { id = CurrentUser.Account.Id, section = "billing" });