我想检索 1.027863 的整数部分,所以代码/函数应该给我 1 作为答案。
我的要求是通过将字符串拆分为 153 个字符的块来提供字符串中存在的 SMS 数量。
因此,如果有 307 个字符 307/153 = 2.0065,我将使用 ParseInt() 函数取 2 并将 1 添加到相同的值,表示 SMS 有 3 个部分。
但是,假设有 306 个字符是 153 的倍数,我的代码会在答案中加 1,从而导致错误。
var String = "Hello test SMS for length and split it into sections of 153 characters for Bulk SMS system to send to respective customers and indicate the count of messages. SMS file is getting generated as per attached file. After successful campaign Launch, file can be downloaded from Documents view in Campaign screen.";
var i = 0;
var pat= new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$");
var flg = pat.test(String);
if (flg == true) //checking the language to be English
var length = String.length;
if(length > 160)
var msgcount = length / 153;
var sAbs = parseInt(msgcount);
var sTot = sAbs + 1;
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Character " + length +" / 670 ( " + sTot +" msg)" );
其中 RaiseErrorText 用于以以下格式显示:
Characters 307 / 1530 (3 msg)