您可以多次遍历 Realm 文件中的所有对象,因此只需遍历所有对象,聚合每个月的值,然后再次遍历列表以应用新的价值观。您还可以删除迁移块内的对象,因此您还可以确保每月只保留一个对象:
id migrationBlock = ^(RLMMigration *migration, uint64_t oldSchemaVersion) {
// Use a dictionary to store the aggregate values.
// Dictionary keys must be unique, so they can be used to aggregate multiple values for a month.
NSMutableDictionary *months = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
//Loop through each object to extract and aggregate the data for each month
[migration enumerateObjects:Data.className block:^(RLMObject *oldObject, RLMObject *newObject) {
// Extract the month value from the date in this object
NSDate *date = newObject["date"]; // Properties can be retrieved from RLMObject via KVC
NSInteger month = date.month.intValue; // Extract the month from that date
// Track if this was the first entry for this specific month
BOOL firstTime = ([months.allKeys indexOfObject:@(month)] == NSNotFound);
// Aggregate the value of month with the value stored in the dictionary
NSInteger aggregateValue = months[@(month)].intValue;
aggregateValue += date; // Add the month's information to the aggregate
months[@(month)] = @(aggregateValue);
// If this isn't the first object, we don't need it in Realm anymore, so delete it
if (!firstTime) {
[migration deleteObject:newObject];
// At this point, `months` will contain our aggregate values, and the Realm database
// only has one object per month now.
// Loop through all the objects again so we can add in the aggregate values
[migration enumerateObjects:Data.className block:^(RLMObject *oldObject, RLMObject *newObject) {
NSDate *date = newObject["date"];
NSInteger month = date.month.intValue;
// Copy in the aggregate value
newObject["date"] = months[@(month)];