我正在使用 tagcloud_0.4.jar 在 GWT 中使用标签云。现在,当我单击标签云中的任何标签时,我该如何处理该事件,或者当用户从云中选择任何标签时如何进行 RPC 调用?
这是一个在云上捕获 ClickEvent 的示例。但这是一种解决方法,因为库可能会发生变化。由于开发人员既不提供在云上管理事件也不在标签上提供,这可能是一个很好的理由......
因此,使用此代码需要您自担风险。祈祷小部件的结构 DOM 没有变化。我建议您向开发人员询问其小部件的一些增强功能,例如管理此类事件。
final TagCloud cloud = new TagCloud();
cloud.addWord(new WordTag("AAA"));
cloud.addWord(new WordTag("AAA"));
cloud.addWord(new WordTag("BBB"));
cloud.addWord(new WordTag("CCC"));
cloud.addWord(new WordTag("CCC"));
cloud.addWord(new WordTag("CCC"));
cloud.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Prevent the click from the tag to be executed
Element e;
// For each tag present in the cloud, look for the one that is triggered
for (int i = 0; i < cloud.getTags().size(); ++i) {
// Gets the element in the cloud, this really is the unsafe part of the code
// if the developer change the dom of its widget
e = DOM.getChild(DOM.getChild(cloud.getElement(), 0), i);
// Is the current element targeted by the event?
if (event.getClientX() >= e.getOffsetLeft() && event.getClientY() >= e.getOffsetTop()
&& event.getClientX() <= e.getOffsetLeft() + e.getOffsetWidth()
&& event.getClientY() <= e.getOffsetTop() + e.getOffsetHeight()) {
// Gets the abstract tag
Tag t = cloud.getTags().get(i);
// Gets tag descendant
if (t instanceof WordTag) {
// Do what you want with your WordTag, maybe an RPC call
} else if (t instanceof ImageTag) {
// Do what you want with your ImageTag, maybe an RPC call
}, ClickEvent.getType());