this website has been brilliant at helping me with probs in the past and i'm hoping it can help me again...basically I have just setup ajax im (http://ajaxim.com/ (version 1.0 form the old website because i want the most basic version possible)) using both WAMP (on my home computer), and on the works server. I have installed the database tables and changed the variables in the files to access the database. When i start it up (index.html) it shows the login form and when you register, it says "unable to regsiter try again later" and does not update the database. I am guessing I am doing something wrong or there is some kind of file i need to run prior to this. If anyone can help it would be appreciated immensely. Many thanks for any help :)

Please note: I have also asked this on the ajax-im forum but people on this site are extremely helpful and i'm hoping someone has had the same problem and found a solution.


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于 2010-12-02T09:59:17.090 回答