I've been using fancybox for quite a while now and only recently decided to try out fancybox3. I really enjoy fb3, but something is very strange to me.

After opening a gallery made with <a data-fancybox="mygroup">IMAGE STUFF HERE</a> fancybox is adding hashes to the URL in the browser (chrome, ff, edge, safari) eg. example.com/gallery.html#mygroup-8

When I now press the back button in my browser (or a button with javascript:history.back) it will not go back to the last page but instead will open the gallery again with the last image I viewed - which is obviously not what I wanted.

FB2 didn't do that, so I'm kinda wondering how I get rid of that but I couldn't find anything in the docs about this "problem"

Or is it about the code? I'm using this, more or less:

<div class="galwrapper">
 <a href="MY_FULL_IMAGE" data-fancybox="mygroup">
  <div class="galimg" style="background-image:url(MY_THUMBNAIL)"></div>

I'm using fancybox 3.0


1 回答 1



根据官方fancybox repo的这个问题,可以禁用“哈希模块” - 为历史添加哈希的罪魁祸首 - 使用这个单线$.fancybox.defaults.hash = false;

于 2017-04-11T12:42:07.613 回答