- 遍历 MCC 中的所有帐户并选择名称中包含“SEM”的帐户。
- 遍历帐户中的广告系列并选择满足特定条件的广告系列。
- 通过电子邮件将这些活动的列表发送给我自己。
所以我的问题是;在 AdWords 脚本中使用campaignSelector 时如何指定一个AdWords 帐户?
//This code is to be placed in an MCC, sift through accounts in that MCC that fit a certain criteria
//then in those selected accounts, sift through the campaigns that fit a certain criteria and add
//these to a report (report code yet to be added)
//The problem we have is getting the campaignSelector() function to ‘look’ at the account that has been passed through from the accountIterator() function
function main() {
var mccAccount = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
var childAccounts = MccApp.accounts();
function accountIterator()
var accountSelector = MccApp.accounts()
.withCondition("AccountDescriptiveName CONTAINS 'SEM'")
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED");
var accountIterator = accountSelector.get();
while (accountIterator.hasNext())
var account = accountIterator.next();
var accountName = account.getName();
campaignSelector(accountName); //This might be really wrong....
//Need to pass the account name through to the campaignSelector function
//so that the campaignSelector functions looks at the campaigns in the highlighted account
function campaignSelector ()
//SELECT campaigns we're interested in
var account = AdWordsApp.currentAccount(); //Guessing that we might need to use this?
var campaignSelector = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition("CampaignName CONTAINS 'Shoop'")
.withCondition("SearchExactMatchImpressionShare < 95")
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED");
//GET an iterator to list the selected campaigns
var campaignIterator = campaignSelector.get();
//ITERATE through all selected campaigns
while (campaignIterator.hasNext())
var campaign = campaignIterator.next();
//Add campaign and account info to a report – to be coded seperately