

82 0a 96 c9 82 0a 96 d3 00 66 13 08


MappedByteBuffer buffer = channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, channel.size());

//getting the time from the packet header
time = Math.addExact(Math.multiplyExact((long) buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt(), 1000), Math.floorDiv(buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt(), 1000));

//getting the source ip from the ip frame
buffer.position(packetInfos.get(idPacket).getStartPos() + PACKET_IPSOURCE_OFFS); // puts the buffers position at the part of the file shown above
source = byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get());

//getting the destination ip from the ip frame
destination = byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get());

byteToUnsigned 方法只是做:

public static int byteToUnsigned(byte b){
    return b & 0xFF;

源最终是:“”,而它应该是“”。由于某种原因,get() 方法在大多数情况下将缓冲区的位置增加 1,但在第三次之后增加 5?正如您可能已经猜到的那样,我试图在之后解码目标 ip,它在“D3”之后开始读取,导致“”

即使在 byteToUnsigned 调用之前,源 Ip 也是“-126.10.-106.-45”。


source = byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get()) + "." + byteToUnsigned(buffer.get());

观察 buffer.position() 和 buffer.get(),我可以看到以下内容:

  • 第一个get():buffer.position()=70,buffer.get()=-126
  • 第二个get():buffer.position()=71,buffer.get()=10
  • 第三个get():buffer.position()=72,buffer.get()=-106
  • 第四个 get(): buffer.position()= 73 , buffer.get()=-45

所以位置是正确递增的,但是第 72 和第 77 之间的字节不知何故对缓冲区不可见?

Api 明确指出:

public abstract byte get()
Relative get method. Reads the byte at this buffer's current position, and then increments the position.



1 回答 1


原来我是个大白痴。我没有注意到字节 82 0a 96 仅在右侧重复了几个字节。这是我不小心放置缓冲区位置的地方。别担心,我很惭愧。

于 2017-04-07T07:05:47.387 回答