I want to add a model manager function that filters a queryset based on the proximity to coordinates. I found this blog posting with code that is doing precisely what I want.
The snippet below seems to make use of geopy functions that have since been removed. It coarsely narrows down the queryset by limiting the range of latitude and longitude.
# Prune down the set of all locations to something we can quickly check precisely
rough_distance = geopy.distance.arc_degrees(arcminutes=geopy.distance.nm(miles=distance)) * 2
queryset = queryset.filter(
latitude__range=(latitude - rough_distance, latitude + rough_distance),
longitude__range=(longitude - rough_distance, longitude + rough_distance)
Since some of the used geopy functions have been removed/moved, I'm trying to rewrite this stanza. However, I do not understand the calculations---barely passed geometry and my research has confused me more than actually helped me.
Can anyone help? I would greatly appreciate it.