How can I change this php.ini setting when hosting a website with fortrabbit.com?

  • Desired value: always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
  • Hosting Plan: "Light"
  • PHP Version 5.6 (Don't want to use PHP 7.x)

What I have tried

  • fortrabbit.com Admininterface

    • Result: "always_populate_raw_post_data" is not configurable there
  • Set php.ini values via .htaccess in Document Root

    • Result: 500 Server error
  • Created a second php.ini in my documentroot with the desired value

    • Result #1: Nothing
    • Result #2: phpinfo() shows "none" in "Scan this dir for additional .ini files"
    • Result #3: phpinfo() shows "none" in "Additional .ini files parsed"
  • Tried to edit the /etc/php/php.ini

    • Result: Could not save the file, I'm not root on this server

Why I would like this to work

  • I want to run Typo3 7.6
  • Typo3 install tool complains about the missing php.ini setting
  • I like the features, that fortrabbit.com offers
  • I'm not affiliated/payed by fortrabbit.com

2 回答 2



问:使用 fortrabbit.com 托管网站时,如何更改此 php.ini 设置?

答:我自己无法更改此 php.ini 设置:always_populate_raw_post_data = -1。不得不请求 fortrabbit.com 的支持。他们为我做了。

于 2017-04-11T14:06:12.323 回答

你可以使用 ini_set函数来做到这一点

于 2017-04-06T01:23:16.363 回答