, Browsersync
为 CSS 和Pug
HTML 实现构建。<link>
在编译样式和标记后,我还将 stylesheets 注入到 HTML 中。
初始构建工作正常,但我在使用 Gulp 实现监视 CSS 和 HTML 文件的更改时遇到问题。现在发生的事情是在更改任何源文件(标记或样式表)时,当 Browsersync 重新加载浏览器时,我会留下一个未设置样式的页面,它没有注入任何样式表<head>
。似乎 Browsersync 重新加载在pug
(Pug 到 HTML 编译)完成之后触发,但在sass
(Sass 到 CSS 编译)完成之前,所以没有什么可以注入的。
主要问题:请告诉我如何在 Gulp 中强制执行正确的顺序。
按照本文和“SASS + CSS 注入”下的Gulp 文档中所述将 CSS 注入”。
import gulp from "gulp";
// Gulpfile is split across multiple files located in .gulp/.
// Importing them executes them and registers appropriate tasks.
import "./gulp/browser-sync.js";
import "./gulp/inject.js";
import "./gulp/markup.js";
import "./gulp/styles.js";
import "./gulp/watch.js";
// Build all the source files.
gulp.task("build", ["markup", "styles"]);
// Default task ran when `gulp` executed with no arguments.
gulp.task("default", ["build", "browser-sync"]);
import gulp from "gulp";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import paths from "./paths.js";
// Running a local server, which posts live updates to connected browsers when
// any of the source files change.
gulp.task("browser-sync", ["build", "watch"], () => {
server: {
baseDir: paths.global.tmp
import gulp from "gulp";
import sass from "gulp-sass";
import sassModuleImporter from "sass-module-importer";
import sourcemaps from "gulp-sourcemaps";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import del from "del";
import paths from "./paths.js";
gulp.task("styles", ["clean:styles", "sass", "inject"]);
// Compiles Sass stylesheets to CSS.
gulp.task("sass", ["clean:styles"], () => {
const SASS_OPTIONS = {
includePaths: paths.styles.src,
importer: sassModuleImporter()
return gulp.src(paths.styles.srcMainGlob, { base: paths.styles.src })
.pipe(browserSync.stream({ match: "**/*.css" }));
gulp.task("clean:styles", () => {
let pathsToDel = [paths.styles.tmp, paths.styles.dist];
return del(pathsToDel);
gulp.task("watch:styles", ["styles"], () => {
gulp.watch(paths.styles.srcAllGlob, ["styles"]);
import gulp from "gulp";
import pug from "gulp-pug";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import del from "del";
import paths from "./paths.js";
gulp.task("markup", ["clean:markup", "pug", "inject"]);
// Compile Pug templates to HTML
gulp.task("pug", ["clean:markup"], () => {
return gulp.src(paths.markup.srcMainGlob)
gulp.task("clean:markup", () => {
let pathsToDel = [paths.markup.tmp, paths.markup.dist];
return del(pathsToDel);
gulp.task("watch:markup", ["markup"], () => {
gulp.watch(paths.markup.srcAllGlob, ["markup"]);
import gulp from "gulp";
import inject from "gulp-inject";
import paths from "./paths.js";
gulp.task("inject", ["inject:styles"]);
// Inject generated stylesheets into HTML files.
gulp.task("inject:styles", ["pug", "sass"], () => {
let sources = gulp.src(paths.styles.tmpGlob, { read: false });
return gulp.src(paths.markup.tmpGlob)
.pipe(inject(sources, { relative: true }))
import gulp from "gulp";
// Watching for all the changes in source files.
gulp.task("watch", ["watch:markup", "watch:styles"]);
并更改源 Sass 文件之一后控制台的输出:
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
[BS] Serving files from: .tmp/
[12:00:30] Starting 'clean:styles'...
[12:00:30] Starting 'clean:markup'...
[12:00:30] Finished 'clean:markup' after 3.12 ms
[12:00:30] Starting 'pug'...
[12:00:30] Finished 'clean:styles' after 8.61 ms
[12:00:30] Starting 'sass'...
[BS] Reloading Browsers...
[BS] 1 file changed (index.html)
[12:00:30] Finished 'pug' after 72 ms
[BS] 1 file changed (main.css)
[12:00:30] Finished 'sass' after 144 ms
[12:00:30] Starting 'inject:styles'...
[12:00:30] gulp-inject 1 files into index.html.
[12:00:30] Finished 'inject:styles' after 9.67 ms
[12:00:30] Starting 'inject'...
[12:00:30] Finished 'inject' after 2.99 μs
[12:00:30] Starting 'styles'...
[12:00:30] Finished 'styles' after 2.47 μs