在 jaybird 2 版本中,我可以通过 gds isc_info_page_size 获取数据库页面大小。但现在我找不到了——在 jaybird 3.0 中可以做到这一点吗?我有主机:端口、数据库文件名/别名和登录名/密码——我不想使用 MON$-tables。

我看到文档,只发现 FBManager 可以返回 int getPageSize() 但文档说:创建数据库时要使用的页面大小,如果使用数据库默认值,则为-1 。


PS。如果您指出我如何了解数据库 SQL 方言和 ODS 版本,也会很有帮助


1 回答 1




 * Get the major version of the ODS (On-Disk Structure) of the database.
 * @return The major version number of the database itself
 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
int getOdsMajorVersion() throws SQLException;

 * Get the minor version of the ODS (On-Disk Structure) of the database.
 * @return The minor version number of the database itself
 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
int getOdsMinorVersion() throws SQLException;

 * Get the dialect of the database.
 * @return The dialect of the database
 * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
 * @see #getConnectionDialect()
int getDatabaseDialect() throws SQLException;

 * Get the dialect of the connection.
 * <p>
 * The connection dialect may be different from the database dialect.
 * </p>
 * @return The dialect of the connection
 * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
 * @see #getDatabaseDialect()
int getConnectionDialect() throws SQLException;


Connection connection = ...
FirebirdDatabaseMetaData fbmd = connection.getMetaData().unwrap(FirebirdDatabaseMetaData.class);

int odsMajorVersion = fbmd.getOdsMajorVersion();
// etc


如果你真的想修改内部结构,你总是可以使用新的内部 API,但它应该被认为是不稳定的,并且可能随时发生变化(并且在未来的版本中,它可能变得无法访问或在 Java 9 中更难访问,具体取决于我们将如何实现模块支持)。


Connection connection = ...
FbDatabase db = connection.unwrap(FirebirdConnection.class).getFbDatabase();
byte[] info = db.getDatabaseInfo(new byte[] { ISCConstants.isc_info_page_size }, 20);
if (info[0] == ISCConstants.isc_info_page_size) {
    int valueLength = VaxEncoding.iscVaxInteger2(info, 1);
    int pageSize = VaxEncoding.iscVaxInteger(info, 3, valueLength);
    // ...


 * Request database info.
 * @param requestItems
 *         Array of info items to request
 * @param bufferLength
 *         Response buffer length to use
 * @param infoProcessor
 *         Implementation of {@link InfoProcessor} to transform
 *         the info response
 * @return Transformed info response of type T
 * @throws SQLException
 *         For errors retrieving or transforming the response.
<T> T getDatabaseInfo(byte[] requestItems, int bufferLength, InfoProcessor<T> infoProcessor) throws SQLException;


免责声明:我维护 Jaybird。

于 2017-04-04T08:18:26.010 回答