这是一些相对简单的代码,它们根据对象类型做出决策。如果一个对象是一个字典,它的键的值在历史上被认为是像 C 或 Java 这样的语言中的“原语”被写为属性,否则创建一个子元素。如果对象是列表,li
#! python3-64
from lxml import etree
import json
import typing
def json_obj_to_xml(parent_element: typing.Optional[etree.Element], new_element_name: str, obj: typing.Union[bool, float, int, str, dict, list]):
Recursively walk an object and return its XML representation.
parent_element (typing.Optional[etree.Element]): The element that will be the parent of the element that this
function will create and return.
new_element_name (str): The name of the element that will be created.
obj (typing.Union[bool, float, int, str, dict, list]): The object to return XML for. It is expected that all
objects passed to this function can be represented in JSON.
result (etree.Element): An XML element.
if parent_element is not None:
new_element = etree.SubElement(parent_element, new_element_name)
new_element = etree.Element(new_element_name)
if type(obj) == dict:
for key, value in obj.items():
if type(value) in (dict, list):
json_obj_to_xml(new_element, key, value)
# Convert values to a string, make sure boolean values are lowercase
new_element.attrib[key] = str(value).lower() if type(value) == bool else str(value)
elif type(obj) == list:
for list_item in obj:
# List items have to have a name. Here we borrow "li" from HTML which stands for list item.
json_obj_to_xml(new_element, 'li', list_item)
# Convert everything to a string, make sure boolean values are lowercase
new_element.text = str(obj).lower() if type(obj) == bool else str(obj)
return new_element
# Read JSON file into a dictionary
json_file = r'C:\Users\ubiquibacon\Desktop\some_json_file.json'
json_file_hndl = open(json_file)
json_dict = json.load(json_file_hndl)
# Recursively walk the dictionary to create the XML
root_xml_element = json_obj_to_xml(None, 'root', json_dict)
# Write the XML file
xml_file = f'{json_file}.xml'
with open(xml_file, 'wb') as xml_file_hndl:
xml_file_hndl.write(etree.tostring(root_xml_element, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True))