所以我有一个基本程序(令人难以置信的错误,但我们非常喜欢它),它使用一个共享文件夹,学校里的几个人都可以访问(为了便于使用,路径已更改)。它被设计用作消息传递应用程序,每个用户写入同一个记事本文件以使用 Get-Content 和 -Wait 参数将消息发送到 Poweshell 脚本。我添加了几个使用“/”的命令,但我想要一个(即/online)用户可以键入并查看当前使用该程序的所有其他人。
我试图设置一个不同的文本文件,每个用户使用自己的用户名每 x 秒更新一次,同时擦除以前的记录:
while (1){
Clear-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
Add-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt $env:UserName
elseif($_ -match "/online"){Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt}
为了避免 XY 问题,我想要一种相当简单的方法(仍然最多只使用两个文件)来确定哪些用户正在积极使用(因此更新)他们正在运行的 Powershell 脚本。
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech
$speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
$speak.Volume = 100
Write-Host "Type /helpp, save it, then hit backspace and save it again for a guide and list of commands!"
Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\Convo.txt -Wait |
%{$_ -replace "^", "$env:UserName "} |
%{if($_ -match "/cls"){cls} `
elseif($_ -match "/online"){Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop \ConvoOnline.txt} `
elseif(($_ -match "/afk") -and ($env:UserName -eq "Freddie")){Write-Host "$env:UserName has gone afk"} `
elseif(($_ -match "/say") -and ($env:UserName -eq "Freddie")) {$speak.Speak($_.Substring(($_.length)-10))} `
elseif($_ -match "/whisper"){
$array = @($_ -split "\s+")
if($array[2] -eq "$env:UserName"){
Write-Host $array[2]
} `
} `
elseif($_ -match "/help"){
Write-Host "Help: `
1. Press Ctrl+S in Notepad to send your message `
2. Make sure you delete it after it's been sent `
3. If your message doesn't send properly, just hit backspace and all but the last letter will be sent `
/online - Lists all users currently in the chat `
/cls - Clears you screen of all current and previous messages `
/whisper [USERNAME] [MESSAGE] - This allows you to send a message privately to a user"
else{Write-Host "$_"}}
#Add a command: elseif($_ -match "/[COMMAND]"){[FUNCTION]}
#Make it user-specific: elseif($_ -match "/[COMMAND]" -and $envUserName -eq "[USERNAME]"){[FUNCTION]}