在使用 mfpmigrate 辅助工具将 IBM Mobilefirst Platform 7.0 混合源代码转换为 IBM MobileFirst Platform 8.0 源代码时,我收到如下错误:

C:\Mobilefirst>mfpmigrate client --in C:\Mobilefirst\Example --out C:\Mobilefirst\CordovaNewCode
Error: An error occured during execution of command.
Error: Option '--in' cannot be equal to option '--out'

另外,如果我正在使用,scan那么它会说No deprecated or not supported APIs found.. 尽管我使用了 IBM Mobilefirst Platform 7.1 及以下版本中提到的旧 API。

C:\Mobilefirst>mfpmigrate scan --in C:\Mobilefirst\Example --out C:\Mobilefirst\CordovaNewCode
Starting the process to detect deprecated and not supported APIs...
Getting files from C:\Mobilefirst\...
Scanning C:\Mobilefirst\...
No deprecated or not supported APIs found.
Process to detect deprecated and not supported APIs has completed.

请让我知道为什么它没有将混合转换为 cordova IBM MobileFirst Platform 8.0。



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如文档中所述,您必须指向实际的应用程序文件夹,例如 ../Desktop/InvokingAdapterProcedures/apps/InvokingAdapterProcedures,并且该应用程序还必须具有 iPhone 或 Android 等环境。否则它会抱怨缺少环境。

请参阅: https ://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/8.0/upgrading/migration-cookbook/#classic-hybrid-applications

于 2017-04-07T18:37:34.917 回答