此代码使用 Python 中的各种广度优先搜索方法来解决 15 个难题。但是当我运行它时,输出的unindent 与任何外部缩进级别都不匹配
File "main.py", line 58
print "| %i | %i | %i | %i |" % (state[3], state[7], state[11], state[15])
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
### Student Info
# Smith, Christopher, 02386569, 159.302
# Assignment 1: 8 Puzzle.
### Language
# This assignment was written in Python. An open source, interpreted language
# with a mix of imperative, OO and functional programming. Syntax is simple
# and easy to learn.
# Developed on Ubuntu Linux but this will run on the interpreter available
# from http://python.org. Documentation is also on that site but a good
# tutorial is available for free at http://diveintopython.org.
### Data Structures
# The state of the board is stored in a list. The list stores values for the
# board in the following positions:
# -------------
# | 0 | 3 | 6 |
# -------------
# | 1 | 4 | 7 |
# -------------
# | 2 | 5 | 8 |
# -------------
# The goal is defined as:
# -------------
# | 1 | 2 | 3 |
# -------------
# | 4 | 5 | 6 |
# -------------
# | 7 | 8 | 0 |
# -------------
# Where 0 denotes the blank tile or space.
goal_state = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0]
starting_state = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0, 15]
# The code will read state from a file called "state.txt" where the format is
# as above but space seperated. i.e. the content for the goal state would be
# 1 8 7 2 0 6 3 4 5
### Code begins.
import sys
def display_board( state ):
print "-------------"
print "| %i | %i | %i |" % (state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3])
print "-------------"
print "| %i | %i | %i |" % (state[4], state[5], state[6], state[7])
print "-------------"
print "| %i | %i | %i |" % (state[8], state[9], state[10], state[11])
print "-------------"
print "| %i | %i | %i |" % (state[12], state[13], state[14], state[15])
print "-------------"
def move_up( state ):
"""Moves the blank tile up on the board. Returns a new state as a list."""
# Perform an object copy
new_state = state[:]
index = new_state.index( 0 )
# Sanity check
if index not in [0, 1, 2,3]:
# Swap the values.
temp = new_state[index - 1]
new_state[index - 1] = new_state[index]
new_state[index] = temp
return new_state
# Can't move, return None (Pythons NULL)
return None
def move_down( state ):
"""Moves the blank tile down on the board. Returns a new state as a list."""
# Perform object copy
new_state = state[:]
index = new_state.index( 0 )
# Sanity check
if index not in [12, 13, 14, 15]:
# Swap the values.
temp = new_state[index + 1]
new_state[index + 1] = new_state[index]
new_state[index] = temp
return new_state
# Can't move, return None.
return None
def move_left( state ):
"""Moves the blank tile left on the board. Returns a new state as a list."""
new_state = state[:]
index = new_state.index( 0 )
# Sanity check
if index not in [0, 4, 8, 12]:
# Swap the values.
temp = new_state[index - 4]
new_state[index - 4] = new_state[index]
new_state[index] = temp
return new_state
# Can't move it, return None
return None
def move_right( state ):
"""Moves the blank tile right on the board. Returns a new state as a list."""
# Performs an object copy. Python passes by reference.
new_state = state[:]
index = new_state.index( 0 )
# Sanity check
if index not in [3, 7, 11, 15]:
# Swap the values.
temp = new_state[index + 4]
new_state[index + 4] = new_state[index]
new_state[index] = temp
return new_state
# Can't move, return None
return None
def create_node( state, parent, operator, depth, cost ):
return Node( state, parent, operator, depth, cost )
def expand_node( node, nodes ):
"""Returns a list of expanded nodes"""
expanded_nodes = []
expanded_nodes.append( create_node( move_up( node.state ), node, "u", node.depth + 1, 0 ) )
expanded_nodes.append( create_node( move_down( node.state ), node, "d", node.depth + 1, 0 ) )
expanded_nodes.append( create_node( move_left( node.state ), node, "l", node.depth + 1, 0 ) )
expanded_nodes.append( create_node( move_right( node.state), node, "r", node.depth + 1, 0 ) )
# Filter the list and remove the nodes that are impossible (move function returned None)
expanded_nodes = [node for node in expanded_nodes if node.state != None] #list comprehension!
return expanded_nodes
def bfs( start, goal ):
"""Performs a breadth first search from the start state to the goal"""
# A list (can act as a queue) for the nodes.
nodes = []
# Create the queue with the root node in it.
nodes.append( create_node( start, None, None, 0, 0 ) )
while True:
# We've run out of states, no solution.
if len( nodes ) == 0: return None
# take the node from the front of the queue
node = nodes.pop(0)
# Append the move we made to moves
# if this node is the goal, return the moves it took to get here.
if node.state == goal:
moves = []
temp = node
while True:
moves.insert(0, temp.operator)
if temp.depth == 1: break
temp = temp.parent
return moves
# Expand the node and add all the expansions to the front of the stack
nodes.extend( expand_node( node, nodes ) )
def dfs( start, goal, depth=10 ):
"""Performs a depth first search from the start state to the goal. Depth param is optional."""
# NOTE: This is a limited search or else it keeps repeating moves. This is an infinite search space.
# I'm not sure if I implemented this right, but I implemented an iterative depth search below
# too that uses this function and it works fine. Using this function itself will repeat moves until
# the depth_limit is reached. Iterative depth search solves this problem, though.
# An attempt of cutting down on repeat moves was made in the expand_node() function.
depth_limit = depth
# A list (can act as a stack too) for the nodes.
nodes = []
# Create the queue with the root node in it.
nodes.append( create_node( start, None, None, 0, 0 ) )
while True:
# We've run out of states, no solution.
if len( nodes ) == 0: return None
# take the node from the front of the queue
node = nodes.pop(0)
# if this node is the goal, return the moves it took to get here.
if node.state == goal:
moves = []
temp = node
while True:
moves.insert(0, temp.operator)
if temp.depth <= 1: break
temp = temp.parent
return moves
# Add all the expansions to the beginning of the stack if we are under the depth limit
if node.depth < depth_limit:
expanded_nodes = expand_node( node, nodes )
expanded_nodes.extend( nodes )
nodes = expanded_nodes
def ids( start, goal, depth=50 ):
"""Perfoms an iterative depth first search from the start state to the goal. Depth is optional."""
for i in range( depth ):
result = dfs( start, goal, i )
if result != None:
return result
def a_star( start, goal ):
"""Perfoms an A* heuristic search"""
# ATTEMPTED: does not work :(
nodes = []
nodes.append( create_node( start, None, None, 0, 0 ) )
while True:
# We've run out of states - no solution.
if len( nodes ) == 0: return None
# Sort the nodes with custom compare function.
nodes.sort( cmp )
# take the node from the front of the queue
node = nodes.pop(0)
# if this node is the goal, return the moves it took to get here.
print "Trying state", node.state, " and move: ", node.operator
if node.state == goal:
moves = []
temp = node
while True:
moves.insert( 0, temp.operator )
if temp.depth <=1: break
temp = temp.parent
return moves
#Expand the node and add all expansions to the end of the queue
nodes.extend( expand_node( node, nodes ) )
def cmp( x, y ):
# Compare function for A*. f(n) = g(n) + h(n). I use depth (number of moves) for g().
return (x.depth + h( x.state, goal_state )) - (y.depth + h( x.state, goal_state ))
def h( state, goal ):
"""Heuristic for the A* search. Returns an integer based on out of place tiles"""
score = 0
for i in range( len( state ) ):
if state[i] != goal[i]:
score = score + 1
return score
# Node data structure
class Node:
def __init__( self, state, parent, operator, depth, cost ):
# Contains the state of the node
self.state = state
# Contains the node that generated this node
self.parent = parent
# Contains the operation that generated this node from the parent
self.operator = operator
# Contains the depth of this node (parent.depth +1)
self.depth = depth
# Contains the path cost of this node from depth 0. Not used for depth/breadth first.
self.cost = cost
def readfile( filename ):
f = open( filename )
data = f.read()
# Get rid of the newlines
data = data.strip( "\n" )
#Break the string into a list using a space as a seperator.
data = data.split( " " )
state = []
for element in data:
state.append( int( element ) )
return state
# Main method
def main():
### CHANGE THIS FUNCTION TO USE bfs, dfs, ids or a_star
result = bfs( starting_state, goal_state )
if result == None:
print "No solution found"
elif result == [None]:
print "Start node was the goal!"
print result
print len(result), " moves"
# A python-isim. Basically if the file is being run execute the main() function.
if __name__ == "__main__":