Using Drupal CMS. Tell me please, how can I create an archive block like Blogger.

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Standard Archive of Views module is not suitable. Considered the option of using Views Accordion - impossible groupping on multiple fields (month and year in this case). Think about writing a module, but still vague idea of how this can be realized: to provide module Views, or only Views Style Plugin ...

In general, waiting for offers.


1 回答 1


我刚刚写了一篇关于此的博客文章:http ://www.only10types.com/2010/12/drupal-collapsible-blog-archive-like.html

它通过一个使用 Views 和一些 jQuery 的简单实现来运行。它可能与 Blogger 实现不完全相同,但经过大量查找后,它是我想出的最好的。

于 2010-12-22T16:39:56.443 回答