我使用 CSScriptLibrary.dll 在 Windows 和 Linux 上运行的应用程序中执行 C# 代码。问题是,现在,我需要使用#pragma disable warning
禁用可能出现的各种警告,以便让脚本在 Mono 上编译,这是一个非常丑陋的 hack。
// the following simple script will not execute on Mono due to a warning that a is not used.
var code = "public class Script { public object Run() { var a=1; return 2+3; }}"
// here is how the script is executed using CsScriptLibrary
var asm = new AsmHelper(CSScript.LoadCode(code, "cs", null, true));
// if we reach that point, the script compiled
var obj = asm.CreateAndAlignToInterface<IScript>("*");
// now run it:
var result=obj.Run();
catch (CompilerException e)
// on .net compiler exceptions are only raised when there are errors
// on mono I get an exception here, even for warnings like unused variable
我已经尝试设置 CSScript 的默认编译器参数来指示单声道编译器忽略警告。这是我尝试过的(基于 Mono 编译器的编译器开关的文档:
CSScript.GlobalSettings.DefaultArguments = "-warn:0 -warnaserror-";
默认为/c /sconfig /co:/warn:0
忽略 Mono 上的警告,或者至少不将它们视为错误?