我有一个用户在我的应用程序(Android Studio)中ArrayList
。服务名称可以是 Facebook、Fitness App、Clock App 等任何名称。我想为每个用户输入的服务分配一个整数值,因为我正在研究与 Swarm Particle 算法有关的健身功能。
public class CustomServiceSelection implements Goodness {
public static final int numOfServices = MainActivity.servicenames.size();
public static final int NUM_DIMENSIONS = 2 + numOfServices;
public static final int DATA = 0;
public static final int WLAN = 1; //get the names of the services from the arraylist
//then convert them into an integer for the bits/no_dimensions
boolean alwaysOn = MainActivity.costUTILITY.contains(100.0);
ArrayList<String> serviceNames = MainActivity.servicenames;
ArrayList<Double> costData = MainActivity.costDATA;
ArrayList<Double> costWlan = MainActivity.costWLAN;
ArrayList<Double> costUtilities = MainActivity.costUTILITY;
private double batteryCost;
//ArrayList<Double> battery = MainActivity.costBattery;
public CustomServiceSelection(double batteryCost, ArrayList<Double> costData, ArrayList<Double> costWlan,
ArrayList<Double> costUtilities) {
if (costUtilities == null || costUtilities.size() < 1 || costData.size() < 1 || costWlan.size() < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Please add atleast 1 cost to Data, WLAN and Utility");
this.batteryCost = batteryCost; //make sure you add battery field to UI, user enters battery level
this.costData = costData;
this.costWlan = costWlan;
this.costUtilities = costUtilities;
//this.services = services;
public double getGoodness(boolean[] bits) {
double utility = 0.0;
double rcost = 0.0;
ArrayList<Double> resourceCost = new ArrayList<Double>();
for(Double i : costData){
for (int x = 0; x <= NUM_DIMENSIONS; x++) { //for each resource that is a bit
if (bits[x] == alwaysOn) { //if a utility cost of a service is 100, return -2000.0
return -2000;
if (bits[DATA] && bits[WLAN]) {
return -500;
if (!bits[DATA] || bits[WLAN]) {
return -450; //particle goodness always returns this??
if (bits[DATA]) {
resourceCost = costData;
} else if (bits[WLAN]) {
resourceCost = costWlan;
for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_DIMENSIONS; i++) { //for each service the user enters
if (bits[i]) {
utility += costUtilities.get(i);
rcost += resourceCost.get(i);
if (rcost < batteryCost) {
return utility;
return utility * 0.50;
我希望 num_dimensions 为 2(WLAN 和 DATA)加上用户在主要活动中输入的服务数量。因此,如果他们输入 4 个服务,则总共输入 6 个维度。然后我想像这样为这些服务分配一个“int”值......
public static final int Facebook = 2;
public static final int Twitter = 3;
public static final int ClockApp = 4;
函数,该函数将这些值作为维度数中的位,因此 Facebook 将是维度中的第三位。任何帮助或建议都会很棒,我是一名学生,将其作为一个项目进行。
编辑:我现在已经在 getGoodness() 函数中实现了一个哈希图。我的代码现在看起来像这样......
public double getGoodness(boolean[] bits) {
double utility = 0.0;
double rcost = 0.0;
ArrayList<Double> resourceCost = new ArrayList<Double>();
for(int i = 2; i <= NUM_DIMENSIONS; i++) { //hashmap that stores the service names with an int value
for(int k = 0; k <= numOfServices; k++) {
serviceMap.put(i, serviceNames.get(k));
我需要 NUM_DIMENSIONS 的前 2 位是 WLAN 和 DATA。因此,对于用户输入的每个服务,分配给它们的整数值从 2 开始增加 1。所以... (2, Facebook), (3, Twitter), (4, Uber) 等等。现在我的下一个问题是,将这些传递给 getGoodness() 函数,我有一个来自主 UI 活动的数组列表,它从每个服务的 0-100 获取实用程序(优先级)成本。这称为 costUtilities,我希望包含 80.0-100.0(双精度)实用程序的位如果未打开,则返回 -2000 的值。如果您能提供帮助,那就太好了,如果不能,感谢您迄今为止提供的帮助,并祝我在 PSO 的最后一年个人项目中好运 :)