我在使用 GIMP 的 script-fu 方面相当新,我正在编写一个脚本来遍历 .tif 图像文件的完整文件夹,将它们的大小调整为最大尺寸为 1200 像素,同时保持比例图片。然后它将文件保存为 .png 文件类型。



据我所知,这是说我正在尝试查找没有内容的列表的第一个条目,但我没有看到任何进一步的例子,这将是一个问题。我已经在许多网站上寻求帮助,并且对脚本进行了一段时间的修改,所以我认为是时候寻求帮助了。不幸的是,据我所知,GIMP 的文档并不是很可靠。我是在某个地方遗漏了仍然导致此错误的 car() 还是现在指的是更模棱两可的东西?


    "Batch Resize"                                  
    "Resizes all images in folder to the desired maximum size and saves as .png"      
    "(c) 2017"
    "March 2017"           
    SF-VALUE    "Maximum Dimension" "1200"   
    SF-STRING   "Target Folder"     "/Scripts/Input/*.tif"

(script-fu-menu-register "batchresize" "<Image>/File/Batch"

    (batchresize maximum targetfolder

                    (file-glob targetfolder 1

            (width 1200
            (height 1200

                (null? filelist

                        (car filelist

                            (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename

                            (gimp-image-get-active-layer image

                (Set! width car(gimp-image-width)

                (Set! height car(gimp-image-height)

                    (> height width
                    (set! proportion 
                        (/ width height

                    (set! height maximum

                    (set! width 
                        (* maximum proportion

                        (< height width

                        (set! proportion 
                            (/ height width

                        (set! width maximum

                        (set! height 
                            (* maximum proportion

                            (= height width

                            (set! height maximum

                            (set! width maximum

                        (gimp-image-scale-full image width height INTERPOLATION-CUBIC

                        (file-png-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable filename filename 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 


                    (gimp-image-delete image
                (set! filelist 
                    (cdr filelist

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