I am currently using the RankLib implementation of the RankNet algorithm (-ranker 4) with a held-out set. I am using the jar file in terminal to run this.

The documentation stipulates:

metric2t (e.g. NDCG, ERR, etc) only applies to list-wise algorithms (AdaRank, Coordinate Ascent and LambdaMART). Point-wise and pair-wise techniques (MART, RankNet, RankBoost), due to their nature, always use their internal RMSE / pair-wise loss as the optimisation criteria.

However, when I set the 'metrics2t' to ERR@10 or NDCG@10, it starts to train and validate on my chosen metric rather that 'RMSE'.

This is part of the table outputted when I run RankNet with ERR@10.

Is there something that I am missing as this seems to be a contradiction to me.



1 回答 1




现在我正在训练一个 RankNet 模型,似乎训练和验证数据的 ERR@10 实际上在增加,而“错误排序对的百分比”正在减少。

于 2017-07-19T03:01:16.513 回答