I have 2 questions. 1. How can I catch undefined routes and redirect to 404 page? 2. How I can use Vuex actions to get data from api? I know that vuex mutations must be sync and actions async. But I can get data with mutations and can use then promise. but can't in actions or I do anything mistake. Please give me beautiful example for that(component type). I use vuex in laravel mix in Laravel project. Thanks...
504 次
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path: 'admin/posts/list',
name: 'post-list',
path: 'admin/posts',
redirect: 'admin/posts/list'
// you can also redirect to a named route instead
// of a path like this:
path: 'admin/posts',
redirect: { name: 'post-list' }
如果您想做一个“全部捕获”来抓取任何不匹配的路径并重定向到您的 404 组件/视图,那么您可以这样做:
path: '*',
redirect: '/404'
至于您关于突变/操作的问题,异步 API 请求(例如从 API 获取数据)仅在您使用 Vuex.Taken 时的操作中发生,来自操作文档:
actions: {
actionA ({ commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
于 2017-03-30T03:46:37.997 回答