我在大学学习化学,想尝试用 Perl6 或 Perl 编写教科书示例,例如平衡化学公式或其他过程!
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
#basic SI(International System of Units) type
role MetricPrefix {
method baseOn ( Str $base , Numeric $input ) {
given $base {
when 'pico' { return $input * 10**-12 }
when 'namo' { return $input * 10**-9 }
when 'micro' { return $input * 10**-6}
when 'milli' { return $input * 10**-3 }
when 'centi' { return $input * 10**-2 }
when 'hecto' { return $input * 10**2 }
when 'kilo' { return $input * 10**3 }
when 'mega' { return $input * 10**6 }
when 'giga' { return $input * 10**9 }
when 'tera' { return $input * 10**12 }
default { fail "you must input a metric prefix which allow pico to tera" }
class Mass does MetricPrefix {
#basic Mass is g is different form si statda
has $.g;
submethod BUILD ( :$!g ) {
class Length does MetricPrefix {
has $.Length ;
submethod BUILD ( :$!Length ) {
multi postfix:<(kg)>( $input ) {
return Mass.new( g => Mass.baseOn("kilo",$input) ) or fail "you Must input a number";
multi postfix:<(g)>( $input ) {
return Mass.new( g => $input ) or fail "you Must input a number";
multi infix:<+>( Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> {
return Mass.new( g => $inputOne.g + $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there ";
multi infix:<->( Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> {
return Mass.new( g => $inputOne.g - $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there ";
multi infix:<*>( Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> is tighter( &infix:<+> ) is tighter( &infix:<-> ) is tighter( &infix:</>) {
return Mass.new( g => $inputOne.g * $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there ";
multi infix:</>( Mass $inputOne , Mass $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> is tighter( &infix:<+> ) is tighter( &infix:<-> ) {
return Mass.new( g => $inputOne.g / $inputTwo.g) or fail "error in there ";
#the meterLeng
multi postfix:<(km)>( $input ) {
return Length.new( Length => Length.baseOn("kilo",$input) ) or fail "you Must input a number";
multi postfix:<(m)>( $input ) {
return Length.new( Length => $input ) or fail "you Must input a number";
multi infix:<+>( Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> {
return Length.new( Length => $inputOne.Length + $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there ";
multi infix:<->( Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> {
return Length.new( Length => $inputOne.Length - $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there ";
multi infix:<*>( Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> is tighter( &infix:<+> ) is tighter( &infix:<-> ) is tighter( &infix:</>) {
return Length.new( Length => $inputOne.Length * $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there ";
multi infix:</>( Length $inputOne , Length $inputTwo ) is assoc<right> is tighter( &infix:<+> ) is tighter( &infix:<-> ) {
return Length.new( Length => $inputOne.Length / $inputTwo.Length) or fail "error in there ";
#just a test
say 10(kg) + 1(g);
say 10(m) + 1(m);