我想给几个文件 Linux 功能(例如 CAP_NET_ADMIN)。我正在使用 Yocto,我的文件系统应该是只读的,并且在刷新软件后不得更改(这意味着通常无法使用带有 setcap 的 pkg_postinst)。
我想给几个文件 Linux 功能(例如 CAP_NET_ADMIN)。我正在使用 Yocto,我的文件系统应该是只读的,并且在刷新软件后不得更改(这意味着通常无法使用带有 setcap 的 pkg_postinst)。
pkg_postinst 脚本在构建只读 rootfs 时已经执行,因此这种方法有效。但是,您必须确保您在脚本中调用的命令在构建主机中可用,否则脚本的执行将失败并推迟到设备上的第一次启动。如何确保 setcap 命令可用取决于 Yocto 版本,这将在 Yocto 2.3 中更改。这是一个完整的示例配方:
do_install () {
install -d ${D}/${bindir}
touch ${D}/${bindir}/foobar
pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
setcap cap_chown+e "$D/${bindir}/foobar"
# Dependency when installing on the target.
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libcap"
# Dependency for rootfs construction, Yocto > 2.3.
PACKAGE_WRITE_DEPS = "libcap-native"
# Dependency for rootfs construction, Yocto <= 2.3 (untested).
# Enabling this makes builds slightly less efficient with
# Yocto > 2.3 because it implies that libcap-native is
# needed for building this recipe, which isn't the case.
# DEPENDS += "libcap-native"
小心保存 xattrs。默认的 .tar 图像格式会删除它们。从https://github.com/01org/meta-intel-iot-security/blob/master/meta-security-framework/classes/xattr-images.bbclass的顶部:
# xattr support is expected to be compiled into mtd-utils. We just need to
# use it.
EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2_append = " --with-xattr"
# By default, OE-core uses tar from the host, which may or may not have the
# --xattrs parameter which was introduced in 1.27. For image building we
# use a recent enough tar instead.
# The GNU documentation does not specify whether --xattrs-include is necessary.
# In practice, it turned out to be not needed when creating archives and
# required when extracting, but it seems prudent to use it in both cases.
IMAGE_DEPENDS_tar_append = " tar-replacement-native"
EXTRANATIVEPATH += "tar-native"
IMAGE_CMD_TAR = "tar --xattrs --xattrs-include=*"
最后我通过将 mtd-utils 更新为 mtd-utils-2.0.0 解决了这个问题(mkfs.ubifs 支持扩展属性)。
此外,我现在使用 IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND 在处理图像之前直接设置功能。