In sidekick, I can create as many versions of a page and can restore as well. What I am looking for is, how to limit the number of "creation of page versions" . Suppose, after 5 versions I want to display an error - "more versions are not allowed".

I followed the link for reference but no luck: http://www.wemblog.com/2012/08/how-to-work-with-version-in-cq.html

You have to create a osgi:Config within repository for this (com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.VersionManagerImpl).

You can control number of version created by activation by setting versionmanager.maxNumberVersions property.

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1


没有主动方法可以阻止在 AEM 存储库中创建任何版本。您所指的配置来自:https ://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/deploy/configuring/version-purging.html#Version Manager

versionmanager.maxNumberVersions (int, default 5) 在清除时,任何早于第 n 个最新版本的版本都将被删除。如果该值小于1,则不根据版本数进行清除



如果您想更改 Sidekick 并禁止创建版本,那么您将不得不重写 UI 的核心逻辑,这可能是一项艰巨的任务。版本清除是设置实例以限制版本数量的推荐方法。

于 2017-03-28T09:17:37.290 回答