I tried to make a C program that checks if a bank card is valid.
According to Luhn’s algorithm, you can determine if a credit card number is (syntactically) valid as follows:
Multiply every other digit by 2, starting with the number’s second-to-last digit, and then add those products' digits together.
Add the sum to the sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2.
If the total’s last digit is 0 (or, put more formally, if the total modulo 10 is congruent to 0), the number is valid!
That’s kind of confusing, so let’s try an example with my AmEx: 378282246310005.
For the sake of discussion, let’s first underline every other digit, starting with the number’s second-to-last digit:
Okay, let’s multiply each of the underlined digits by 2:
7•2 + 2•2 + 2•2 + 4•2 + 3•2 + 0•2 + 0•2
That gives us:
14 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 0 + 0
Now let’s add those products' digits (i.e., not the products themselves) together:
1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 0 + 0 = 27
Now let’s add that sum (27) to the sum of the digits that weren’t multiplied by 2:
27 + 3 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 5 = 60
Yup, the last digit in that sum (60) is a 0, so my card is legit!
So, validating credit card numbers isn’t hard, but it does get a bit tedious by hand
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int length(long long n);
int num_at(int x,long long y);
long long flip(double a);
int main(void)
//int total2=0;
//printf("Number: ");
//int i=get_int();
long long ll=get_long_long();
//if (ll<=0)
// printf("INVALID\n");
//for (int i=1;2*i<length(ll);i++)
// total2=total2+2*num_at(i,ll);
//int total1=0;
//for (int i=0;2*i<length(ll);i++)
// total1=total1+num_at(i,ll);
//int total=total1+total2;
int length(long long n)/* length of number */
long long x=1;
int len=0;
while(n-n%x!=0)/* x % y means x mod y*/
return len;
int num_at(int x,long long y)/* digit at specific spot in number */
int digit=0;//the digit at position z(see below)
int z=1;
return digit;
long long flip(double a)//flips a
long long b=0;
for(int y=0;y<length(a);y++)
return b;
The error when compiling is:
credit.c:99:15: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('double' and 'double')
credit.c:99:31: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('double' and 'double')